Air Show Report : Royal International Air Tattoo 2013
Royal International Air Tattoo 2013 - RAF Fairford
During the weekend of July 20-21 in 2013, the annual Royal International Air Tattoo (RIAT) took place again at RAF Fairford. Photos contributed by Jiun Yap
Known as the world's largest military airshow since attracting 535 aircraft to the Air Tattoo in 2003, the Royal International Air Tattoo remains the premier annual airshow for fans of military aviation. Despite ongoing defence cuts in the UK and across Europe, and the absence of the U.S. military due to the sequester, RIAT 2013 had attracted a good number of military aircraft, but far less than the record of ten years ago. Unique for the 2013 edition was the British Airways Airbus A380 in formation with the RAF Red Arrows. The Frecce Tricolori display team made a welcome return to the Air Tattoo in 2013. In the gallery below showcase the military aircraft of the flying displays of Saturday as well as the departures on Monday of the displays with their spare and support aircraft, as well as some of the aircraft that were on static display during the weekend.

The next Air Tattoo is scheduled for 11-13 July, 2014. In 2014 the Royal Air Force Red Arrows will fly their 50th Display Season, which will be officially celebrated during RIAT starting with a special Red Arrows Pit Day for the public on Friday before the RIAT weekend air show. The F-16 Fighting Falcon and the Hawk were first flown in 1974, the Air Tattoo invited all current operators of the two types to Fairford to mark their 40th anniversaries. The theme for RIAT2014 will be 'Partnership' highlighting the co-operation between nations on strategic and tactical levels, ranging from joint operations to industrial joint programs.
Photos by Jiun Yap ( view portfolio )
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Last Modified: 26 January 2014
17 Dec 2013 Added SwAF HF images
15 Dec 2013 Added photo captions