Air Show Report : EliExpo 2006, Lugo di Romagna

Claudio Toselli reports on the ELI expo 2006, which was held in Lugo di Romagna on July 7-9th of 2006.

ELIexpo 2006 is the first helicopter show in Lugo di Romagna that was organized by a civil aero club, Francesco Baracca and one big Italian Army helicopter unit, the Brigata Aeromobile "Friuli". This resulted in a bigger helicopter exposition and show than in the past.

The units of "Friuli" are based mostly in the Emilia-Romagna Region and also the Friuli Region. The helicopters peculiarities are the fulcrum of this air show. All the helicopters types of the Italian Army Aviation (AVES) and thus all types of the "Friuli" Brigade were on display. In particular the helicopters from the 7° Reggimento Aviazione dell'Esercito "VEGA" from Rimini, which consists of four squadrons:
- 25° Gruppo Squadroni "CIGNO"
equipped with AB-205 helicopters. - 48° Gruppo Squadroni "PAVONE"
equipped with A-129 Mangusta attack helicopters. - 53° Gruppo Squadroni "CASSIOPEA"
equipped with AB-412 and AB-206 helicopters. - Gruppo Squadroni di Supporto
for logistics support.
Part of the maneuver forces, the "Friuli" Brigade conceived to enable all the possible forms of mobility in the different operational theatres.
Report and photos by Claudio Toselli ( view portfolio )
Last Modified: 4 March 2017
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