A380 DeliveryAirbus website on the first A380 deliveries to Singapore, Emirates, Qantas, Air France airlines. Offers articles, photos and videos per airline.
CHEBURASHKA: An-72 Family Home PageWebsite dedicated to the An-72, An-74, An-71 and its engines by Artem Solomatine. Including information on the Cheburshka in military service equipped with gun and rocket pods!
http://www.cheburashka.5u.com - report broken - 221 hits since 8 Mar 2009
Boeing 747SP WebsiteWebsite dedicated to the Boeing 747 SP by Tommy Mogren. History, milestones, photos, technical information, production list, incidents and even Safety Cards.
http://www.747sp.com - report broken - 192 hits since 8 Mar 2009