VPNAVY.org - U.S. Navy Patrol SquadronsWebsite devoted to units of the United States Navy flying "ASW" (VP/VPB) Patrol Aircraft past and present. Over 200 squadrons are represented. Includes information on the maritime patrol aircraft.
http://www.vpnavy.org - report broken - 215 hits since 21 Jun 2010
14º Gruppo F.B.A. Website - Italian AMX SquadronWebsite about the Italian Air Force 14º Gruppo F.B.A. Squadron history and AMX "Ghibli" aircraft information and pictures. Italian and English language.
http://nibbio14.altervista.org - report broken - 319 hits since 2 Feb 2011
155° Gruppo E.T.S. 'Pantere Nere'Italian website of the Italian Air Force 50° Stormo wing's 155° Gruppo E.T.S. 'Black Panther'. Including squadron information, history and photo gallery of the unit's Tornado aircraft.
http://www.155gr-panterenere.it/ - report broken - 244 hits since 8 Dec 2012
212. taktická letka ČáslavWebsite dedicated to the Czech Air Force 212 Tactical Squadron flying the L-159 at the 21st Tactical Air Base Čáslav, with unit composition, unit history and aircraft information and photo gallery.
http://www.212sqn.cz/ - report broken - 196 hits since 7 Feb 2014
6 Squadron RAF AssociationNumber 6 Squadron Royal Air Force Association website. RAF 6 Squadron operated the Jaguar until 2007, followed by a brief stand down until re-equipping with the Eurofighter Typhoon.
http://sixsqnassociation.org.uk/ - report broken - 150 hits since 7 Aug 2017