Exercise Report : Italian Army APT III
Italian Army Airmobile Permanent Training III
Claudio Toselli attended the Airmobile Permanent Training III exercise of the Italian Army's Brigata Aeromobile "Friuli".
From 20 to 24 June 2016, the Italian Army's Brigata Aeromobile "Friuli" conducted their third Airmobile Permanent Training (APT III) exercise, naturally involving various helicopters of the Italian Army Aviation or Aviazione dell'Esercito (AVES). The APT exercise trains the air assault Task Groups to utilize the assets of the airmobile/airmechanized troops in personnel resovery, quick reaction force air assault and medevac. The "Friuli" brigade consists of the 66° Reggimento Fanteria Aeromobile "Trieste", 5° Reggimento AVES "Rigel", 7° Reggimento AVES "Vega", 3° REOS (Reparto Elicotteri Operazioni Speciali), and also the 1° Reggimento AVES "Antares" took part.
The exercise involved a simulated assault on enemy elements monitored by a Raven UAV. In addition to the airmobile infantry of "Trieste" and AVES helicopters of "Rigel" and "Vega", elements from the following units
also supported the mission:
2/121° Reggimento Artiglieria Contraerea
185° Reggimento Ricognizione e Acquisizione Obiettivi
6° Reggimento Supporto Logistico Generale
7° Reggimento Trasmissioni "Sacile"
Brigata RISTA-EW
Besides the training area of Foci Reno and the Rimini Miramare air base of 7° Reggimento AVES "Vega", the APT III exercises also saw action at Lido delle Nazioni, Cervia, Ravenna, Lugo di Romagna.
APT III involved more than 400 personnel and 18 helicopters:
8x AH-129 (A129 Mangusta)
6x UH-90 (NH90 TTH)
2x UH-205 (AB205)
1x UH-412 (AB412)
1x CH-47C
Other assets called upon included the aforementioned Raven UAV, the supporting Safe Strike and Rover systems. According to the official press release, also Stinger and Skyguard Aspide air defense systems played a role, although it's not clear if this was to protect the airmobile force ot as opposing AD.
Report and photos by Claudio Toselli ( view portfolio )
Last Modified: 2 August 2016