Frequently Asked Questions
During the past 19 years we have answered many questions about air shows. Here are some frequently received questions, divided in three categories:
- Questions about a specific airshow or performer
- Questions about airshows in general
- Questions about our airshow calendar lists
Specific Air Show Questions & Answers
Often the questions asked are about a specific airshow, usually the answer can be found on the official website or should really be provided by the organizer. The same applies to questions about specific performers.
- 1.1) How much does a ticket for airshow X cost?
- We are not the organizer, for most events we list a link to the official or organizer's website. Find the show on the calendar and click on link for ticket information.
Tip: general entry to open house airshows organized by the US military are usually free. Look through the listing for airshows at military locations: AFB, NAS, MCAS, etcetera. - 1.2) Will the USAF Thunderbirds perform at airshow X?
- The Thunderbirds display schedule for next year is announced in early December every year. So before then we can't answer your question. After December you can hover your mouse cursor over the displayteam-icon
for that airshow to see if the USAF Thunderbirds are included. Or click the link to visit the airshow's website, usually performers are listed.
2013: The USAF Thunderbirds as well as other military displays have been grounded because of the sequestration. See FAQ entry 2-1 below. - 1.3) I heard airshow X is cancelled this year, but you still list it, is it still on?
- We probably have not updated it yet, please let us know about any cancellations!
- 1.4) Could you please send information to me like dates and times for airshow X?
- No
The main dates are listed together with the airshow, when the airshow is not on the calendar yet we don't have any new dates yet.
For the exact times and schedule, visit the airshow's website by clicking the link listed for that particular airshow. If there's no link listed, then you need to find the information elsewhere, keep an eye on the municipality or airport's website or local media. Often these will have an article in the weeks leading up to the event. - 1.5) Who do I contact for your air show to sell concessions/merchandise?
- We are not the organizer. For the events near you, click on the listed link to visit the airshow's official website, often it includes a form and/or contact information for vendors. If there is no link listed, then we probably do not have any contact info either.
General Air Show Questions & Answers
Not everyone is an airshow regular, here are some questions and answers or tips.
- 2.1) 2013: Where are the U.S. military airshows / performers?
- Because of the FY13 sequestration, automatic U.S. federal budget cuts, the military had to cut spending everywhere that does not affect combat-readiness/operations. Among other things, that meant cancelling public events including airshows hosted by the military, plus all aerial support for other public events. This means all military performers including the ACC F-22, USN Super Hornet,Thunderbirds, Blue Angels, Golden Knights, and others are grounded for 2013. Only locally based military aircraft might appear in the static display of a few events.
Because of the 2013 situation, the Featuring column will now also list the displays by warbirds, privately-owned ex-military jets, and civilian formation teams. This way you can still find an interesting airshow to attend this year!
Also some U.S. airshows will feature the Canadian Snowbirds or CF-18 Hornet Demo! - 2.2) 2013: Why are there so many cancellations on the U.S. airshow calendar?
- Because of the FY13 sequestration, automatic U.S. federal budget cuts, the military had to cut spending everywhere that does not affect combat-readiness/operations. Among other things, that meant cancelling public events including airshows hosted by the military, plus all aerial support for other public events. This means all military performers including the ACC F-22, USN Super Hornet, Thunderbirds, Blue Angels, Golden Knights, and others are grounded for 2013. Only locally based military aircraft might appear in the static display of a few events.
In addition to the military airshows, many other organizers decided to cancel their airshow due to the lack of military performers. Reasons quoted included the cost of private airshow acts and inability to attract enough people without a major military display team taking part. - 2.3) When does the flying start?
- That can be anything from 9 AM to 3PM for a daylight show. Check the event's website by clicking on the link listed for it.
For the bigger shows, you might want to look at when the gates open instead and avoid the traffic jam. Usually there are plenty of stands and static aircraft to keep you entertained until the flying starts.
For smaller shows, check the event's website a few days ahead of the show, or look them up on Facebook/Twitter. More and more organizers put up a Facebook page or Twitter feed to give you the latest schedule info. - 2.4) Can I bring my dog?
- Often you are not allowed to bring your pet, check the airshow's official website. Of course if you have a disability, assistance dogs are not pets and normally allowed.
Air Show Calendar Questions & Answers
Sometimes there are questions about the MILAVIA Air Show Calendar.
- 3.1) Can you add our event to the calendar?
- Yes, but only if it is an airshow! Fly-ins and other aviation events will generally only be included if there is a flying display or a significant amount of interesting aircraft present. Please fill out and submit the form here
- 3.2) How much does a listing cost?
- It's completely free! Please fill out this form and submit your event for review.