MILAVIA > Air Shows > Calendar > 2015 > Canadian Snowbirds Last updated: 26 August 2018
MILAVIA Air Show Calendar - Air Shows & Aviation Events Schedule

Canadian Forces Snowbirds 2015

January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December

We are not the organizer for any of the listed events. Click on "link" to visit the airshow's website.

Click here for the Snowbirds 2025 schedule

Note: this is not the official Snowbirds website! Goto for full schedule, more information, and official contact.

January 2015 no events listed

February 2015 no events listed

March 2015 no events listed

April 2015 no events listed

May 2015 hide

Date Event Location [map] Website FB Feat. Notes
09-10 MaySalute America 2015 Air ShowPaulding Northwest Atlanta Airport, Dallas, GA, USAFB
13 MayWinston-Salem Snowbirds DisplaySmith-Reynolds Airport, Winston-Salem, NC, USAlink
16-17 MayThe Great New England Air ShowWestover ARB, Chicopee Falls, MA, USAlinkFB
Display Teams
Canadian Snowbirds
USN Blue Angels
CF-18 Hornet Demo
USAF F-22 Raptor Demo Team
USAF F-22 Heritage Flight
AC-47 "Spooky" Gunship
B-17G "Yankee Lady"
C-123K Provider "Thunder Pig"
Red Tail Squadron P-51C "Tuskegee Airmen"
GEICO Skytypers
Rob Holland MXS
Sean D. Tucker Oracle Challenger
Golden Knights Parachute Team
USAF C-5 Galaxy

Static aircraft include:
B-52H Stratofortress
A-10 Thunderbolt II
C-5 Galaxy
F-15 Eagle
F-15E Strike Eagle
F-16 Fighting Falcon
T-38 Talon
Reports: 2015 2012
23-24 MaySalute to Veterans Air ShowColumbia Regional Airport, Columbia, MO, USAlinkFB
Display Teams
Canadian Snowbirds
USN Tac Demo VFA-122
USMC MV-22 Osprey Demo
Lima Lima
Trojan Phlyers
T-33 "Ace Maker"
CAFMO B-25J Mitchell "Show Me"
CAFMO TBM-3E Avenger
Valiant Echoes BT-13
Golden Knights Parachute Team
WWI airplanes

Static aircraft include:
A-10 Thunderbolt II
MV-22B Osprey
PV-2 Harpoon "Attu Warrior"
C-1A Trader "Miss Belle"
Seafire Mk. XV
P-51D Mustangs
27 MayAnderson Regional AirshowAnderson Regional Airport, Anderson, SC, USAlinkFB
30-31 MayRhode Island Open House and Air ShowQuonset State Airport, North Kingstown, RI, USAlinkFB Reports: 2015 2014 2012 2011 2010

June 2015 hide

Date Event Location [map] Website FB Feat. Notes
03 JunNorth Bay Armed Forces Day 2015North Bay Waterfront, North Bay, Ontario, Canadalink
10 JunFort Frances Snowbirds DisplayFort Frances Municipal Airport, Fort Frances, Ontario, Canada
13-14 JunSpectacle aérien de Rimouski - Rimouski Air ShowRimouski Airport, Rimouski, Quebec, Canadalink
Display Teams
Canadian Snowbirds
CF-18 Hornet Demo
Yak Attack Airshow Team
16 JunSaint-Isidore Snowbirds DisplaySaint-Isidore, Quebec, Canada
20-21 JunSpectacle Aérien International de BagotvilleCFB Bagotville, Quebec, CanadalinkFB
24 JunGoderich Air ShowGoderich Waterfront, Goderich, Ontario, Canadalink
26-28 JunEvansville ShrinersFest & Air ShowEvansville Regional Airport, Evansville, IN, USAlinkFB
27-28 JunWaterloo Air ShowWaterloo Int'l Airport, Kitchener, Ontario, CanadaCancelled
30 JunThe Hadfield Youth SummitGatineau Airport, Gatineau, Quebec, Canadalink members only

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July 2015 hide

Date Event Location [map] Website FB Feat. Notes
01 JulCanada DayOttawa, Ontario, Canada fly-over
03-05 JulWings Over Wasaga Air ShowWasaga Beach, Ontario, CanadaCancelled
08 JulWinnepegosis Snowbirds DisplayWinnepegosis, Manitoba, Canada
11-12 JulCanada Remembers Our Heroes Air ShowAuto Clearing Motor Speedway, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CanadaFB
14-16 JulPrince Albert AirFair 2015Prince Albert Glass Field, Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, CanadalinkFB
18-19 JulWings Over Springbank AirshowCalgary Springbank Airport, Springbank, Alberta, CanadaFB
Display Teams
Canadian Snowbirds
CF-18 Hornet Demo
Brent Handy Pitts Special S-2B
Bud Granley Yak-55 solo
Super Dave Mathieson MX2
Canadian SkyHawks Parachute Team
Marcus Paine
Bruce Evans T-28 Trojan
22 JulRocky Mountain House AirshowRocky Mountain House, Alberta, CanadalinkFB
24-25 JulLethbridge International Air ShowLethbridge Airport, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canadalink
Display Teams
Canadian Snowbirds
CF-18 Hornet Demo
Yellow Thunder Harvard Team
T-33 "Ace Maker"
B-17G Flying Fortress "Sentimental Journey"
Team Rocket Aerobatics
Brent Handy Pitts Special S-2B
Stefan Trischuk Ultimate Biplane
Super Dave Mathieson MX2
JetPro L-39
Marcus Paine Stearman

Static aircraft include:
USAF C-5 Galaxy
26 JulMedicine Hat Family, Fun and FlightMedicine Hat Airport, Medicine Hat, Alberta, CanadaFB
29 JulFort St. John International Air ShowNorth Peace Regional Airport, Fort St. John, British Columbia, CanadalinkFB
Display Teams
Canadian Snowbirds
CF-18 Hornet Demo
Brent Handy Pitts Special S-2B
Jon Melby Pitts S-1-11B
Stefan Trischuk Ultimate Biplane
Super Dave Mathieson MX2
Marcus Paine Stearman
Geoff Latter Nanchang CJ-6

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August 2015 hide

Date Event Location [map] Website FB Feat. Notes
01-02 AugQuesnel SkyFest 2015Quesnel Airport, Quesnel, British Columbia, CanadalinkFB
Display Teams
Canadian Snowbirds
CF-18 Hornet Demo
Bud Granley Yak Dual
Jon Melby Pitts S-1-11B
Stefan Trischuk Ultimate Biplane
Super Dave Mathieson MX2
Kent Pietsch Cadet
Marcus Paine Stearman
05 AugPenticton Peach Festival : Snowbirds DisplayOkanagan Lake, Penticton, British Columbia, CanadalinkFB
07-09 AugAbbotsford International AirshowAbbotsford, British Columbia, CanadalinkFB
12 AugVictoria Snowbirds DisplayVictoria, British Columbia, Canada
15 Aug19 Wing Comox Armed Forces Day Air ShowCFB Comox, British Columbia, Canada
Display Teams
Canadian Snowbirds
CF-18 Hornet Demo
Yellow Thunder Harvard Team
B-25D Mitchell "Grumpy"
Geoff Latter Nanchang CJ-6A
Bud Granley Yak Dual
Anna Serbinenko Super Decathlon
Brent Handy Pitts Special S-2B
Super Dave Mathieson MX2
Will Allen Pitts S2-B "The Flying Tenor"
Soucy/Stokes Wingwalking
Canadian SkyHawks Parachute Team
CP-140 Aurora
CH-149 Cormorant
CC-115 Buffalo

Static aircraft include:
B-52H Stratofortress
22-23 AugAtlantic Canada International Air Show 2015Summerside Airport, Summerside, Prince Edward Island, CanadalinkFB
26 AugSt. John Snowbirds DisplaySaint John, New Brunswick, Canada
29-30 AugDrummondville spectacle aérien Passion AvionAéroport de Drummondville, Drummondville, Quebec, CanadalinkFB

September 2015 hide

October 2015 hide

Date Event Location [map] Website FB Feat. Notes
02-04 OctCalifornia Capital AirshowMather Airport, Sacramento, CA, USAlink

November 2015 no events listed

December 2015 no events listed

Listed date present the days of the event. The Snowbirds performance may not be on all days of the event.
Please refer to the event's website by clicking the link for details.

For the full program featuring all performances by the Snowbirds, visit the Canadian Snowbirds website. By design the above Snowbirds schedule only contains airshows and events with air displays listed on the airshow calendar, therefore the list excludes training and private military events, and may also exclude performances or fly-overs at sports events, music festivals, and other non-military events.

January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December

We are not the organizer for any of the listed events. Click on "link" to visit the airshow's website.

View by Country
Team Schedules 2015
Important Note

Although great effort is put into double-checking data and keeping the list up-to-date, air show listings are subject to changes and cancellations.

Always check the listed show homepage for further information, contact the organisers, or seek confirmation in local media, before you go to the show or make any travel arrangements.

When you have reason to believe a particular event is listed in error, please let us know!