MILAVIA > Air Shows > Calendar > 2023 > United States Last updated: 25 January 2025
MILAVIA Air Show Calendar - Air Shows & Aviation Events Schedule

Air Shows & Events 2023 : Europe | North America | Rest of the World

Air Shows 2023 : United States

January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December

We are not the organizer for any of the listed events. Click on "link" to visit the airshow's website.

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January 2023 hide

Date Event Location [map] Website FB Feat. Notes
week 04
28 JanAerospace and Aviation Day 2023Million Air Hangar, Orlando Sanford Int'l Airport, Sanford, FLlink

February 2023 hide

Date Event Location [map] Website FB Feat. Notes
week 07
17-19 FebBuckeye Air FairBuckeye Municipal Airport, Buckeye, AZlink
week 08
26 FebStars & Stripes Air Show SpectacularLaredo Int'l Airport, Laredo, TXlinkFB

March 2023 hide

Date Event Location [map] Website FB Feat. Notes
week 09
04 MarCactus Antique Fly-InCasa Grande Municipal Airport, Casa Grande, AZlink
week 10
10-11 MarPlanes, Tunes & BBQWooton Park, Lake Dora, Tavares, FLlink
11 MarNAF El Centro Air ShowNAF El Centro, CAlinkFB Report 2014
11 MarMCAS Yuma Air ShowMCAS Yuma, AZlinkFB
Display Teams
USAF F-35A Lightning II Demo Team
USMC F-35B Lightning II
USAF F-35 Heritage Flight
USMC MV-22 Osprey Demo
USMC Parade of Flight (CH-53E F-35B F/A-18C KC-130J MV-22B UH-1Y)
Report 2019
week 11
18 MarBluebonnet Air ShowBurnet Municipal Airport, Burnet, TXlink
18-19 MarLos Angeles Air ShowWilliam J Fox Airport, Lancaster, Palmdale, CAlinkFBCancelled
18-19 MarPoint Mugu Air Show 2023Naval Base Ventura County, Pt. Mugu, CAlinkFB
Display Teams
USAF Thunderbirds
USN Blue Angels
USAF F-16 Viper Demo
Red Bull Helicopter
Red Bull Skydive Team
Vicky Benzing PT-17 Stearman
John Collver SNJ "War Dog"

Static aircraft include:
ATAC F-21 Kfir
ATAC Hunter Mk.58
VX-31 F/A-18F Super Hornet
VX-31 EA-18G Growler
E-2D Osprey
week 12
25 MarGator Fly In and Armed Services Appreciation DayGainesville Regional Airport, Gainesville, FLFB
25 MarSkyfest North CarolinaJohnston Regional Airport, NClinkFB
25-26 MarDefenders of Liberty Air Show - Barksdale AFB Open HouseBarksdale AFB, Shreveport-Bossier City, LAlinkFB
25-26 MarThunder and Lightning over ArizonaDavis-Monthan AFB, AZlinkFB Report 2021
week 13
28 Mar / 02 AprSun 'n Fun Aerospace ExpoLakeland Linder Regional Airport, Lakeland, FLlinkFB

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April 2023 hide

Date Event Location [map] Website FB Feat. Notes
week 13
28 Mar / 02 AprSun 'n Fun Aerospace ExpoLakeland Linder Regional Airport, Lakeland, FLlinkFB
01 AprConroe Rides DayConroe-North Houston Regional Airport, Conroe, TXlink
01 AprLaughlin-Bullhead Air ShowLaughlin/Bullhead Int'l Airport, Bullhead City, AZlink
01-02 AprWings Over HomesteadHomestead ARB, FLFB
week 14
08 AprWings Over Pegasus - Help A Horse DayPegasus Ranch, Murchison, TXlink
week 15
15 AprPurdue Aviation DayPurdue University Airport, West Lafayette, INlinkFB
15 AprHeritage Flight Museum April Fly DaySkagit Regional Airport, Burlington, WAlinkFB
15-16 AprCocoa Beach Air ShowCocoa Beach, FLlink
Display Teams
USAF Thunderbirds
USAF A-10C Demo Team
USAF C-17 Globemaster Demo
USN EA-18G Growler Demo
USAF Heritage Flight
USN Legacy Flight
John Black Super Decathlon
USAF B-52H Stratofortress
920th RW CSAR Demo
15-16 AprCAF Houston Wing Warbird WeekendWest Houston Airport, Houston, TXlinkFB
Display Teams
SB2C Helldiver
C-60 Lodestar "Goodtime Gal"
15-16 AprNAS Key West Southernmost Air SpectacularNAS Key West (Boca Chica Field), FLFB
week 16
22 AprThunder Over LouisvilleLouisville, KYlinkFB
22 AprWings Over Cannon Air ShowCannon AFB, NMlink
Display Teams
USAF A-10C Demo Team
AFSOC CAPEX Demo (AC-130J U-28 CV-22 MC-130J & 26th Special Tac Sqn)
USAF B-1B Lancer
USAF MQ-9 Reaper
USAFA Glider Team

Static aircraft include:
A-10C Thunderbolt II
F-35A Lightning II
AC-130J Ghostrider
MC-130J Commando II
CV-22 Osprey
22 AprLBX Annual Fly-InTexas Gulf Coast Regional Airport, Brazoria County, TXFB
22 AprDyess Big Country Airfest 2023Dyess AFB, Abilene, TXlinkFB
Display Teams
USAF F-22 Raptor Demo Team
USAF Heritage Flight
USCG MH-65 Helicopter SAR Demo
Jerry Conley DH-115 Vampire
B-24A Liberator "Diamond Lil"
C-47 Skytrain "That’s All Brother"
Adam Baker Extra 330
Brian Correll Pitts S2S
Golden Knights Parachute Team
USAF Wings of Blue Parachute Team
WWII Airborne Demonstration Team
CT-133 Silver Star
B-1B Lancer demo
C-130J Hercules demo
KC-135R Stratotanker fly-by
E-3C Sentry fly-by
F-35A Lightning II fly-by
B-25J Mitchell "Yellow Rose"

Static aircraft include:
B-1B Lancer
B-52H Stratofortress
22-23 AprSouthern California Air Show 2023March ARB, CAlinkFB
22-23 AprMCAS Beaufort Air Show 2023MCAS Beaufort, Beaufort, SClinkFB
week 17
27-29 AprFlying Legends of Victory TourPlanes of Fame Air Museum, Chino, CAlink
28-29 AprWASP Homecoming & Fly-InAvenger Field, Sweetwater, TXlinkFB
29-30 AprFort Lauderdale Air Show 2023Fort Lauderdale, FLlink
Display Teams
USN Blue Angels
USAF F-22 Raptor Demo Team
USN F-35C Lightning II Demo
USAF Heritage Flight
USN Legacy Flight
USCG MH-65 Helicopter SAR Demo
Kirby Chambliss Edge 540
Michael Goulian Extra 330SC
Red Bull Helicopter
Red Bull Air Force jump team
USSOCOM Para-Commandos
Aur Force Reserve F-16
T-38 Talon
F4U Corsair "Korean War Hero"
29-30 AprPacific Coast Dream Machines ShowHalf Moon Bay Airport, Moss Beach, CAlinkFB
Display Teams
B-17 Flying Fortress "Ye Olde Pub"
Erickson Collection P-51D Mustang
29-30 AprThunder Over the Sound: Keesler & Biloxi Air & Space ShowKeesler AFB and Biloxi, MSlinkFB

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May 2023 hide

Date Event Location [map] Website FB Feat. Notes
week 18
05-07 MayRed White and Blue AirshowMonroe Regional Airport, Monroe, LAlink
06 MayNAEC Warbird WeekendNAEC, Dallas Executive Airport, Dallas, TXlink
06-07 MayAirPower Over Hampton RoadsJB Langley-Eustis, Hampton, VAFB Report 2006
06-07 MayWheels, Tracks, and Wings 2023Planes of Fame Air Museum, Chino, CAlinkFB
Display Teams
Planes of Fame Air Museum
Planes of Fame F4U-1 Corsair
Planes of Fame P-40N
Planes of Fame P-51D Mustang
Planes Of Fame B-25J
06-07 MayWings Over South Texas at Buc DaysBayfront, Corpus Christi, TXlinkFB
week 19
12-14 MayValdez May Day Fly-in and Air ShowValdez Pioneer Field, Valdez, AKlinkFB
13 MayEstrella Warbirds Wings & WheelsPaso Robles Municipal Airport, Paso Robles, CAlinkFB
13 MayDraughton-Miller 75th Anniversary AirshowDraughon-Miller Airport, Temple, TXlink
13 MayHeritage Flight Museum May Fly DaySkagit Regional Airport, Burlington, WAlinkFB
13-14 MayScott AFB Air ShowScott AFB, Belleville, ILlink
13-14 MayWestfield International Air ShowBarnes ANGB, Westfield, MAlinkFB Report 2010
13-14 MayAugusta Air ShowAugusta Regional Airport, Augusta, GAlink
week 20
19-20 MayTBM Avenger ReunionIllinois Valley Regional Airport, Peru, ILlinkFB
19-21 MayChennault International AirshowChennault Int'l Airport, Lake Charles, LAlinkFB
19-21 MayOregon International Air Show - HillsboroPortland-Hillsboro Airport, Hillsboro, ORlink
20 MayPerryville Spring Fly-In 2023Perryville Regional Airport, MOlinkFB
20-21 MayBeale AFB Air & Space Expo 2023Beale AFB, CAlinkFBCancelled
20-21 MaySalute to Vets Air Show and WWII ReenactmentElkhart Municipal Airport, Elkhart, INlink
20-21 MayPower in the Pines Open House & Air ShowMcGuire AFB, Wrightstown, NJlinkFB
20-21 MayThunder Over Dalhart AirshowDalhart Municipal Airport, Dalhart, TXlink
20-21 MayWings Over Wayne 2023Seymour Johnson AFB, Goldsboro, NClinkFB
week 21
24-26 MayU.S. Naval Academy Blue AngelsU.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MDlink
25-28 MayFlying Legends of Victory TourCutter Aviation, Albuquerque International Sunport, Albuquerque, NMlink
26-29 MayLA Fleet WeekLA Waterfront, Los Angeles, CAlinkFB
27-28 MayGo Wheels Up!San Marcos Regional Airport, San Marcos, TXCancelled
27-28 MayMiami Beach Air & Sea Show 2023South Beach, Miami Beach, FLlinkFB
27-28 MayThe Great Pocono Raceway Air ShowPocono Raceway, Long Pond, PAlink
27-28 MayBethpage Air Show at Jones BeachJones Beach State Park, Wantagh, NYlink
Display Teams
USAF Thunderbirds
USMC F-35B Lightning II
USN EA-18G Growler Demo
USCG MH-60 Helicopter SAR Demo
GEICO Skytypers
Ed Hamill Folds of Honor Biplane
Michael Goulian Extra 330SC
Golden Knights Parachute Team
27-29 MayCAF MO Wings Over St LouisSpirit of St. Louis Airport, Chesterfield, St. Louis, MOlinkFB
week 22
30 May / 04 JunFlying Legends of Victory TourFort Collins–Loveland Jet Center, Northern Colorado Rgnl Airport, Loveland, COlink

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June 2023 hide

Date Event Location [map] Website FB Feat. Notes
week 22
30 May / 04 JunFlying Legends of Victory TourFort Collins–Loveland Jet Center, Northern Colorado Rgnl Airport, Loveland, COlink
01 JunUSAFA Graduation : Thunderbirds fly-overU.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, COFB
02-03 JunSkypark Aviation Festival 2023Skypark Airport, Woods Cross, UTlinkFB
02-03 JunWings Over Bryant AirshowSaline County Regional Airport Bryant, ARlinkFBCancelled
02-04 JunMid-Atlantic World War II WeekendReading Regional Airport, Reading, PAlinkFB
03 JunNebraska State Fly-in & AirshowCentral Nebraska Regional Airport, Grand Island, NElinkFB
03 JunChickasha Wings & WheelsChickasha Municipal Airport, Chickasha, OKlinkFB
03-04 JunCavalcade of PlanesBolingbrook's Clow Int'l Airport, Bolingbrook, ILlinkFB
03-04 JunNational Warplane Museum - Geneseo AirshowGeneseo Airport, Geneseo, NYlinkFB
week 23
06-11 JunFlying Legends of Victory TourSouthwest Wyoming Rgnl Airport, Rock Springs, WYlink
09-11 JunGreenwood Lake NJ Air ShowGreenwood Lake Airport, West Milford, NJlinkFB
Display Teams
USAF C-17 Globemaster Demo
USCG MH-60 Helicopter SAR Demo
Nakajima B5N2 'Kate' (replica)
SBD-5 Dauntless "Speedy D"
Tom Larkin SubSonex Mini-Jet
AeroShell Aerobatic Team
Buck Roetman Pitts S2S
Nathan Hammond Ghostwriter
Rob Holland MXS
Kent Pietsch Cadet
P-51 Mustang
NJ ANG KC-145 Stratotanker
NJ ANG UH-60M Blackhawk
USN VR64 C-130 Hercules
10 JunRockin' on the RunwayRed Oak Landing Airport, Sunset, LAlinkFB
10 JunYankee Air Museum Wings & WheelsWillow Run Airport, Ypsilanti, MIlink
10 JunFelts Field Neighbor DayFelts Field, Spokane, WAFB
10 JunSouth Plains Air ShowSlaton Municipal Airport, Slaton, TXlink
10-11 JunThe Great Tennessee Air ShowSmyrna Airport, Smyrna, TNlink
10-11 JunNorth Alabama AirFest 2023Pryor Field Regional Airport, Decatur, ALlinkFB
10-11 JunOC Air Show 2023Ocean City, MDlink
11 JunNASCAR Sonoma: air displaySonoma Raceway, CAlink
week 24
13-18 JunFlying Legends of Victory TourMagic Valley Regional Airport, Twin Falls, IDlink
16-17 JunWings Over Wausau AirshowWausau Downtown Airport, Wausau, WIlink
17 JunCarson City Airport Open HouseCarson City Airport, Carson City, NVlinkFB
17 JunHeritage Flight Museum June Fly DaySkagit Regional Airport, Burlington, WAlinkFB
17 JunHiller Museum Biggest Little Air ShowSan Carlos Airport, San Carlos, CAlinkFB
17 JunJoslin Field Celebration Twin Falls AirshowMagic Valley Regional Airport, Twin Falls, IDlinkFB
17-18 JunOlympic Air ShowOlympia Regional Airport, Tumwater, WAlinkFB
17-18 JunMoses Lake Air ShowGrant County Int'l Airport, Moses Lake, WAlinkFB
17-18 JunColumbus Air Show 2023Rickenbacker Int'l Airport, Columbus, OHlinkFB
17-18 JunWestmoreland County Air ShowArnold Palmer Regional Airport, Latrobe, PAlinkFB
week 25
20-24 JunSentimental Journey Fly-InWilliam T. Piper Memorial Airport, Lock Haven, PAlink
20-25 JunFlying Legends of Victory TourExec Air, Helena Rgnl Airport, Helena, MTlink
23-25 JunDetroit River Days Air ShowDetroit Riverfront, Detroit, MIlinkFB
24 JunTruckee Tahoe AirShow & Family FestivalTruckee Tahoe Airport, Truckee, CAlinkFB
24-25 JunNew York Air ShowOrange County Airport, Montgomery, NYlink
24-25 JunWings Over Flint 2023Bishop International Airport, Flint, MIFB
24-25 JunRhode Island Open House and Air ShowQuonset State Airport, North Kingstown, RIlinkFBCancelled
24-25 JunQuad City Air ShowDavenport Municipal Airport, Davenport, IAlinkFB
week 26
29 Jun / 04 JulBattle Creek Field of Flight Air Show & Balloon FestivalW.K. Kellogg Airport, Battle Creek, MIlinkFB
30 JunRose City AirFest 2023Tyler Pounds Regional Airport, Tyler, TXlink

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July 2023 hide

Date Event Location [map] Website FB Feat. Notes
week 26
29 Jun / 04 JulBattle Creek Field of Flight Air Show & Balloon FestivalW.K. Kellogg Airport, Battle Creek, MIlinkFB
01 JulThe Magnificent Warbird ExpoTyler Pounds Regional Airport, Tyler, TXlink
01 JulThunder over Cedar Creek Lake Air ShowCedar Creek Lake, Mabank, Tyler, TXlinkFB
01-02 JulNational Cherry Festival Air ShowWest Grand Traverse Bay, Traverse City, MIlink
Display Teams
USAF Thunderbirds
USN F/A-18F Rhino Demo Team
USCG MH-60 Helicopter SAR Demo
Kevin Coleman Extra 300SHP
Michigan State Police UH-1H Huey
North Flight Aero Med
Warbird Thunder SNJ Pair
01-02 JulTinker Air ShowTinker AFB, Oklahoma City, OKlinkFB
Display Teams
USN Blue Angels
USAF F-35A Lightning II Demo Team
Tora Tora Tora
Red Tail Squadron P-51C "Tuskegee Airmen"
Younkin Twin Beech 18
USAF KC-135 Stratotanker
U.S. Navy E-6B Mercury

Static aircraft include:
USAF B-1B Lancer
USAF B-52H Stratofortress
USAF KC-46A Pegasus
NASA Super Guppy
week 27
03 JulKaboom Town : Addison Airport Air ShowAddison Airport, Addison, TXlink
03 JulDubuque Air Show & FireworksLock and Dam #11, Mississippi River, Dubuque, IAlink
06-09 JulWings Over Muskegon Air Show 2023Muskegon County Airport, Muskegon, MIlinkFB
07-09 JulWichita Warbird Weekend 2023Eisenhower National Airport, Wichita, KSlink
08 JulPangborn’s Festival of Flight & Fly-InPangborn Memorial Airport, East Wenatchee, WAFB
08 JulHeritage Flight Museum July Fly DaySkagit Regional Airport, Burlington, WAlinkFB
08 JulAmerica’s Freedom FestGoshen Municipal Airport, Goshen, INlinkFB Cancelled
08-09 JulJimmy Stewart AirshowJimmy Stewart Airport, Indiana, PAlinkFB Cancelled
08-09 JulWingnuts Flying Circus Air ShowGould Peterson Municipal Airport, Tarkio, MOlinkFB
08-09 JulPensacola Beach Air ShowPensacola Beach, FLlink
week 28
15-16 JulJoint Base Lewis-McChord AirshowMcChord Field, JB Lewis-McChord, WAFB
15-16 JulDuluth Air & Aviation ExpoDuluth Int'l Airport, Duluth, MNlinkFB
Display Teams
USN Blue Angels
USAF A-10C Demo Team
USAF A-10 Heritage Flight
B-25J Mitchell "Miss Mitchell"
Craig Gifford S-330
Kyle Fowler GO EZ Aerobatics
USN Leap Frogs Parachute Team
USAF C-17/KC-135 Demo
148th FW F-16 Vipers
Britt Lincoln Aerobatics
F4U Corsair

Static aircraft include:
USAF B-1B Lancer
USAF F-35A Lightning II
USN VX-9 F/A-18F Super Hornet
USN VAQ-209 EA-18G Growler
USN VAW-121 E-2D Hawkeye
week 29
21 JulCharlevoix Venetian Festival - air displaysCharlevoix, MIFB
22 JulThunder on Bruin - Aeroshell twilight showLake Bruin, St. Joseph, LA
22 JulBeaufort Water Festival : air showWaterfront Park, Beaufort, SClinkFB
22 JulAmelia Earhart Festival fly-inAmelia Earhart Airport, Atchison, KSlinkFB
22-23 JulDayton Air ShowDayton Int'l Airport, Dayton, OHlinkFB
22-23 JulMilwaukee Air & Water ShowBradford Beach, Lakefront, Milwaukee, WIlinkFB
Display Teams
USN Blue Angels
USAF F-16 Viper Demo
USCG MH-60 Helicopter SAR Demo
Trojan Thunder
B-25J Mitchell "Miss Mitchell"
Rob Holland MXS
Susan Dacy Super Stearman
US Army AH-64E Apache
USN MH-60T Seahawk
USN P-8A Poseidon
USN F-35C Lightning II fly-by
WI ANG KC-135 Stratotanker
Jeff Mawhinny GB-1 Gamebird
22-23 JulArctic Lightning Air ShowEielson AFB, AKlinkFB
22-23 JulAirExpo 2023Flying Cloud Airport, Eden Prairie, MNlinkFB
Display Teams
B-17G "Yankee Lady"

Static aircraft include:
442nd FW A-10C Thunderbolt II
week 30
24-30 JulEAA Air Venture Oshkosh 2023Wittman Regional Airport, Oshkosh, WIlink
26 JulCheyenne Frontier Days - Thunderbirds DisplayCheyenne, WYlinkCancelled
28-30 JulTri-City Water Follies - Over the River Air ShowKennewick, Pasco, WAlinkFB
29-30 JulSioux Falls Airshow - South Dakota ANGJoe Foss Field, Sioux Falls, SDlinkFB

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August 2023 hide

Date Event Location [map] Website FB Feat. Notes
week 31
01-13 AugFlying Legends of Victory TourMuseum of Flight, Boeing Field, Seattle, WAlink
04-06 AugSeafair 2023 Boeing Air ShowLake Washington, Seattle, WAlinkFB
05-06 AugGary Air ShowMarquette Park, Gary, INlinkFB
05-06 AugOwls Head Museum Wings & Wheels SpectacularOwls Head, Rockland, MElinkFB
05-06 AugErnie Aviation Museum Wings N WheelsYoungstown-Warren Airport, Vienna, OHlink
06 AugOCIA Air Show and Open HouseOakland County Int'l Airport, Waterford, MIlinkFB
week 32
11-12 AugMoody Gardens Resort Airshow 2023Moody Gardens Resort, Galveston, TXlink
12-13 AugRochester International Air ShowGreater Rochester Int'l Airport, Rochester, NYlinkFB
12-13 AugWarhawk Air Museum Warbird RoundupNampa Municipal Airport, Nampa, IDlink
12-13 AugBillings MT Air Show 2023Billings Logan Airport, Billings, MTlink
12-13 AugThunder Over MichiganWillow Run Airport, Ypsilanti, MIlinkFB
week 33
15-20 AugFlying Legends of Victory TourArlington Municipal Airport, Arlington, WAlink
16 AugAtlantic City Air Show - Thunder over the BoardwalkAtlantic City Beachfront, Atlantic City, NJlinkFB
17-19 AugD-Day Conneaut - WWII reenactmentConneaut Township Park, Conneaut, OHlinkFB
18-20 AugArlington SkyFestArlington Municipal Airport, Arlington, WAlinkFB
19 AugWilliston Basin AirshowWilliston Basin Int'l Airport, Williston, NDlinkFB
Display Teams
Melissa Burns Edge 540
Kent Pietsch Cadet
19 AugHeritage Flight Museum August Fly DaySkagit Regional Airport, Burlington, WAlinkFB
19-20 AugChicago Air & Water ShowLake Michigan Lakefront, Chicago, ILlinkFB
19-20 AugKansas City Air ShowNew Century AirCenter, Gardner, KSFB
19-20 AugWings Over Camarillo Air ShowCamarillo Airport, Camarillo, CAlinkFB
19-20 AugProps and Pistons FestivalAkron-Fulton Airport, Akron, OHlinkFB
19-20 AugWings over Washington Air ShowBremerton National Airport, Bremerton, WAlink
week 34
22-27 AugFlying Legends of Victory TourPangborn Memorial Airport, East Wenatchee, WAlink
25-26 AugAirshow of the CascadesMadras Municipal Airport, Madras, ORlinkFB
26 AugWings & Wheels Bath CountyIngalls Field Airport, Hot Springs, VA
26 AugWendover Air Show 2023Wendover Airfield, Wendover, UTlinkFB
26 AugPaynesville Air ShowPaynesville Municipal Airport, Paynesville, MNFB
26-27 AugLincoln NE Air ShowLincoln Airport, Lincoln, NElinkFB
Display Teams
USN Blue Angels
USAF F-16 Viper Demo
USN EA-18G Growler Demo
USN F-35C Lightning II Demo
USAF Heritage Flight
USN Legacy Flight
The Horsemen
Doug Roth Staudacher S-300
USAF Wings of Blue Parachute Team
NE ANG KC-135 Stratotanker
26-27 AugWest Virginia's Greatest Air ShowShepherd Field, Martinsburg, WVlink
26-27 AugGowen Thunder 2023 Idaho National Guard Air ShowGowen Field, Boise, IDlinkFB
week 35
29 Aug / 03 SepFlying Legends of Victory TourNampa Municipal Airport, Nampa, IDlink

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September 2023 hide

Date Event Location [map] Website FB Feat. Notes
week 35
29 Aug / 03 SepFlying Legends of Victory TourNampa Municipal Airport, Nampa, IDlink
01-04 SepAirfest at NAS Wildwood Aviation MuseumCape May Airport, Wildwood, NJlink
02 SepHeritage Flight Museum September Fly DaySkagit Regional Airport, Burlington, WAlinkFB
02 SepWarbirds & WheelsLancaster Regional Airport, Lancaster, TXlinkFB
02-03 SepWings Over Batavia Air ShowGenesee County Airport, Batavia, NYlink
02-04 SepCleveland National Air ShowBurke Lakefront Airport, Cleveland, OHlinkFB
week 36
05-10 SepFlying Legends of Victory TourLogan-Cache Airport, Logan, UTlink
09 SepOsceola Wheels & WingsL.O. Simenstad Municipal Airport, Osceola, WIlinkFB
09 SepNorthern Illinois AirshowWaukegan Regional Airport, Waukegan, ILlinkFB
09 SepDulles Day Plane PullWashington Dulles Int'l Airport, VAlinkFB
09 SepHagerstown Wings & Wheels Expo 2023Hagerstown Regional Airport, Hagerstown, MD
09-10 SepThunder Over New Hampshire Air ShowPease ANGB, Portsmouth, NHlinkFB
Display Teams
USAF C-17 Globemaster Demo
USAF F-16 Viper Demo
Rob Holland MXS
Kent Pietsch Cadet
USSOCOM Para-Commandos
NH ANG KC-46A Pegasus
VT ANG F-35A Lightning II
MA ANG F-15 Eagle
KC-135 Stratotanker demo
NH AG UH-60 Blackhawk

Static aircraft include:
USAF B-1B Lancer
USAF F-22 Raptor Demo Team
Reports: 2021 2012 2011 2010
09-10 SepCAF High Sky Wing AIRSHO 2023Midland Int'l Airport, Midland, TXlinkFB
09-10 SepWAAAM Hood River Fly-InKen Jernstedt Airfield, Hood River, ORlink
week 37
13-17 SepReno National Championship Air RacesReno Stead Airport, Reno, NVlinkFB
15-17 SepOwensboro Air ShowOwensboro, KYlinkFB
15-17 SepWACO 100th Anniversary Celebration Fly-InWaco Field Airport, Troy, OHlinkFB
16 SepNorthwest Illinois AirshowAlbertus Airport, Freeport, ILlinkFB
16 SepSalida Air FestHarriet Alexander Field, Salida Airport, COlinkFB
16-17 SepNAS Oceana Air ShowNAS Oceana, Virginia Beach, VAlinkFB
Display Teams
USN Blue Angels
USAF F-22 Raptor Demo Team
USN F-35C Lightning II Demo
USN F/A-18F Rhino Demo Team
Kirby Chambliss Edge 540
Melissa Burns Edge 540
Rob Holland MXS
Bob Carlton Super Salto / FoxJet Sailplane
Greg Koontz
NAS Oceana Air Power Demo
NAS Oceana Fleet Fly-by
U.S. Navy EOD Jump Team
USN Legacy Flight
Reports: 2012 2006 2005
16-17 SepTribute to Aviation 2023 static displayMontrose Regional Airport, Montrose, COlinkFB
17 SepOcean City Roar at the Shore AirshowOcean City Boardwalk, Ocean City, NJlink
week 38
22-23 SepHangar Hangover 2023Bruce Campbell Field, Madison, MSFB
22-23 SepWings and Wheels: Utah's Festival of SpeedSpanish Fork Airport, Spanish Fork, UTlink
22-24 SepMCAS Miramar Air ShowMCAS Miramar, San Diego, CAlinkFB
Display Teams
USN Blue Angels
USAF F-16 Viper Demo
USMC F-35B Lightning II
USAF F-16 Heritage Flight
USMC MV-22 Osprey Demo
B-29 Superfortress "Doc"
Kirby Chambliss Edge 540
Michael Goulian Extra 330SC
Vicky Benzing PT-17 Stearman
Kent Pietsch Cadet
Red Bull Air Force jump team
USSOCOM Para-Commandos
USAF U-2 Dragon Lady

Static aircraft include:
B-1B Lancer
B-52H Stratofortress
C-5M Super Galaxy
F-15E Strike Eagle
F-22A Raptor
F/A-18F Super Hornet
F-35A/B/C Lightning II
RAF Atlas C.1 (A400M)
Reports: 2014 2012 2005
23 SepMadison Airport Aviation Day/ Fly-InMadison Municipal Airport, Madison, INlinkFB
23-24 SepWings by the Wabash AirshowCrawford County Airport, Robinson, ILlink
23-24 SepCalifornia Capital AirshowMather Airport, Sacramento, CAlink
Display Teams
USAF Thunderbirds
USAF A-10C Demo Team
USAF C-17 Globemaster Demo
USN F/A-18F Rhino Demo Team
USAF A-10 Heritage Flight
T-33 "Ace Maker"
Bill Stein Edge 540
Jim Peitz Aerobatic Bonanza
Tucker's Air Patrol
USAF U-2 Dragon Lady
USN Legacy Flight

Static aircraft include:
USAF C-5M Super Galaxy
24 SepHayward Executive Airport Open HouseHayward Executive Airport, Hayward, CAlink
week 39
29 Sep / 01 OctPacific AirshowHuntington Beach, CAlinkFB
Display Teams
Canadian Snowbirds
USAF Thunderbirds
USAF F-22 Raptor Demo Team
USN EA-18G Growler Demo
USN F-35C Lightning II Demo
USAF Heritage Flight
USN Legacy Flight
T-33 "Ace Maker"
Tom Larkin SubSonex Mini-Jet
Kirby Chambliss Edge 540
Michael Goulian Extra 330SC
RAD Aerosports Jet Waco
Sammy Mason Aerobatics
Red Bull Helicopter
Golden Knights Parachute Team
USN Leap Frogs Parachute Team
Matt Hall Racing MXS-R / Extra 300L
Lyon Air Museum C-47 "Willa Dean"
Emma McDonald
FedEx B757
LA ANG F-15 Eagle formation
F-35A Lightning II
KC-135 Stratotanker fly-by
B-52H Stratobomber fly-by (Sat. only)
29 Sep / 01 OctOregon International Air Show - McMinnvilleMcMinnville Municipal Airport, McMinnville, ORlink
Display Teams
USN Blue Angels
USAF C-17 Globemaster Demo
USAF F-16 Viper Demo
USAF F-16 Heritage Flight
P-38L Lightning "Tangerine"
P-51D Mustang "Val-Halla"
Ross Granley Yak-18T
Olympic Flight Museum AH-1S Cobra
Northern Stars Aerobatic Team
Kyle Fowler GO EZ Aerobatics
Renny Price Su-29
Eickson Aircraft Collection P-40E Kittyhawk
Olympic Flight Museum HH-1K Huey
AFSOC C-130J Hercules fly-by
OR ANG F-15 Eagle formation
30 SepGreenville Mid-Delta AirshowMid-Delta Regional Airport, Greenville, MSFB
30 SepKnoxville Airshow - Fly Iowa 2023Knoxville Municipal Airport, Knoxville, IAlinkFB rain date Oct. 1
30 SepCorsicana AirshoC. David Campbell Field, Corsicana, TXlink
30 SepLeesburg Air ShowLeesburg Executive Airport, Leesburg, VAlinkFB
30 Sep / 01 OctThunder Over Fayette County AirshowFayette County Airport, Somerville, TNlinkFB

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October 2023 hide

Date Event Location [map] Website FB Feat. Notes
week 39
29 Sep / 01 OctPacific AirshowHuntington Beach, CAlinkFB
Display Teams
Canadian Snowbirds
USAF Thunderbirds
USAF F-22 Raptor Demo Team
USN EA-18G Growler Demo
USN F-35C Lightning II Demo
USAF Heritage Flight
USN Legacy Flight
T-33 "Ace Maker"
Tom Larkin SubSonex Mini-Jet
Kirby Chambliss Edge 540
Michael Goulian Extra 330SC
RAD Aerosports Jet Waco
Sammy Mason Aerobatics
Red Bull Helicopter
Golden Knights Parachute Team
USN Leap Frogs Parachute Team
Matt Hall Racing MXS-R / Extra 300L
Lyon Air Museum C-47 "Willa Dean"
Emma McDonald
FedEx B757
LA ANG F-15 Eagle formation
F-35A Lightning II
KC-135 Stratotanker fly-by
B-52H Stratobomber fly-by (Sat. only)
29 Sep / 01 OctOregon International Air Show - McMinnvilleMcMinnville Municipal Airport, McMinnville, ORlink
Display Teams
USN Blue Angels
USAF C-17 Globemaster Demo
USAF F-16 Viper Demo
USAF F-16 Heritage Flight
P-38L Lightning "Tangerine"
P-51D Mustang "Val-Halla"
Ross Granley Yak-18T
Olympic Flight Museum AH-1S Cobra
Northern Stars Aerobatic Team
Kyle Fowler GO EZ Aerobatics
Renny Price Su-29
Eickson Aircraft Collection P-40E Kittyhawk
Olympic Flight Museum HH-1K Huey
AFSOC C-130J Hercules fly-by
OR ANG F-15 Eagle formation
30 Sep / 01 OctThunder Over Fayette County AirshowFayette County Airport, Somerville, TNlinkFB
week 40
06-08 OctSan Francisco Fleet Week Air ShowWaterfront San Francisco, CAlinkFB
Display Teams
USN Blue Angels
USMC F-35B Lightning II
T-33 "Ace Maker"
Patriots Jet Team
USN Leap Frogs Parachute Team
USCG Dual Demo – Helos and C-27
United Airlines B777
06-08 OctRanger Old School Fly-in & AirshowRanger Municipal Airport, Ranger, TXlinkFB
07 OctWings over Western KentuckyMadisonville Regional Airport, Madisonville, KYFB
07 OctWings & Wheels - A Georgetown Fall FestivalDelaware Coastal Airport, Georgetown, DElinkFB
07 OctApple Valley AirshowApple Valley Airport, CAlinkFB
07-08 OctCalifornia International AirshowSalinas Municipal Airport, Salinas, CAlinkFB
Display Teams
Canadian Snowbirds
USAF Thunderbirds
USN F-35C Lightning II Demo
Kirby Chambliss Edge 540
Michael Goulian Extra 330SC
Vicky Benzing PT-17 Stearman
Red Bull Helicopter
Kent Pietsch Cadet
Red Bull Air Force jump team
P-51D Mustang formation
USN Legacy Flight

Static aircraft include:
C-5M Super Galaxy
07-08 OctWings Over North GeorgiaRichard B. Russell Regional Airport, Rome, GAlinkFBCancelled
07-08 OctAtlanta Air ShowFalcon Field, Peachtree City, Atlanta, GAlinkFB
week 41
12-15 OctHigh Sierra Fly-in 2023Dead Cow Lakebed Airstrip, Reno, NVlinkFB
13-14 OctTexas Antique Airplane: Fall Festival of FlightGainesville Municipal Airport, Gainesville, TXlink
13-14 OctWings Over WinstonLouisville Winston County Airport, Louisville, MSlinkFB
13-15 OctCentral Coast AirFestSanta Maria Public Airport, Santa Maria, CAlinkFB
14 OctCulpeper Air Fest 2023Culpeper Regional Airport, Brandy Station, VAlinkFB
14 OctThomasville Fly-InThomasville, GAlinkFB
14-15 OctGrand Junction Air ShowGrand Junction Regional Airport, Grand Junction, COlinkFB
14-15 OctWings Over Houston Air ShowEllington Field, Houston, TXlinkFB Report 2018
15 OctChefPitts at Bealeton Flying Circus AirshowFlying Circus Aerodrome, Bealeton, VAlink
week 42
21 OctLas Cruces Air & Space ExpoLas Cruces Int'l Airport, Las Cruces, NM
21 OctAngelina Air Fest 2023Angelina County Airport, Burke, Lufkin, TXlinkFBCancelled
21 OctCameron Municipal Airpark Airshow & Fly-inCameron Municipal Airpark, Cameron, TXlink
21-22 OctHammond Northshore Regional AirshowHammond Northshore Regional Airport, Hammond, LAlinkFB
21-22 OctJacksonville Sea & Sky AirshowJacksonville Beach, FLlinkFB
21-22 OctLittle Rock AFB Thunder Over the Rock Air ShowLittle Rock AFB, Jacksonville, ARlinkFB
week 43
28-29 OctIndianapolis Crossroads Air Show 2023Indianapolis Regional Airport, Greenfield, INlinkFB
Display Teams
USN Blue Angels
Red Tail Squadron P-51C "Tuskegee Airmen"
Redline RV-8 Aerobatic Team
Rob Holland MXS
USSOCOM Para-Commandos
F-100 Super Sabre
B-25 Mitchell
C-47 Skytrain
C-54 Spirit Of Freedom
T-33 Shooting Star
F8F Bearcat
T-6G Texan
28-29 OctCentral Florida Air & Space ShowOrlando Sanford Int'l Airport, Sanford, FLlinkFB

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November 2023 hide

Date Event Location [map] Website FB Feat. Notes
week 44
03-04 NovNAS Pensacola Open House - Blue Angels Homecoming Air ShowSherman Field, NAS Pensacola, FLlinkFB Report 2009
03-04 NovDeLand Aero ShowcaseDeLand Municipal Airport, DeLand, FLlink
04 NovAmerican Heroes Air ShowHansen Dam, Lakeview Terrace, Los Angeles, CAlinkFB
04-05 NovFlorida International Air ShowCharlottee County Airport, Punta Gorda, FLlinkFB
week 45
10-12 NovStuart Air Show 2023Witham Field, Stuart, FLlinkFB
10-12 NovCAF Aviation Discovery FestDallas Executive Airport, Dallas, TXlinkFB
11-12 NovWarbirds Over Monroe Air ShowCharlotte-Monroe Airport, Monroe, NClinkFB
week 47
25 NovNew Bern Aeroshell Team Night ShowUnion Point Park, New Bern, NClink

December 2023 no events listed

January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December

We are not the organizer for any of the listed events. Click on "link" to visit the airshow's website.

Air Shows & Events 2023 : Europe | North America | Rest of the World

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Team Schedules 2023
Important Note

Although great effort is put into double-checking data and keeping the list up-to-date, air show listings are subject to changes and cancellations.

Always check the listed show homepage for further information, contact the organisers, or seek confirmation in local media, before you go to the show or make any travel arrangements.

When you have reason to believe a particular event is listed in error, please let us know!


Airshow London 2018 - CT-133
Airshow London 2018 Report
RIAT 2019
Air Tattoo 2019
Exercise Astral Knight 2021
Exercise ASTRAL KNIGHT 2021 - Aviano AB, Italy
Hellenic Rafales arrive at Tanagra air base, Greece
First Hellenic Rafales arrive at Tanagra air base
Airshow London 2019
Airshow London 2019 - London, ON, Canada
555th FS return from Afghanistan 2017
555th FS return from Afghanistan 2017 – Aviano