Specifications F-15 Eagle
F-15C Eagle
Specification F-15C
Powerplant: two 105.73 kN (23,770 lb st) Pratt & Whitney F100-P-220 turbofans
Dimensions: length 19.43m (63 ft 9 in); height 5.63m (18 ft 5½ in); wing span 13.05m (42 ft 9½ in)
Weights: take-off ('clean') 20.244 kg (44,630 lb); Max Take-Off Weight 30.845 kg (68,000 lb)
Performance: max level speed at 10.975m (36,000 ft) more than Mach 2.5 or 2.655 km/h (1,665 mph); service ceiling more than 18,290m (60,000 ft)
Armament: one 20mm M61A1 Vulcan six-barrel cannon with 940 rounds; 10.705 kg (23,600 lb) of disposable stores, including nuclear weapons, ASMs, AAMs, free-fall or guided bombs, cluster bombs, dispenser weapons, rocket launchers, napalm tanks, drop tanks and ECM pods, carried on up to nine external hardpoints
F-15E Strike Eagle
Powerplant: two 129.45 kN (29,100 lb st) Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-229 turbofans
Dimensions: length 19.43m (63 ft 9 in); height 5.63m (18 ft 6 in); wing span (over tip launchers) 13.05m (42ft 10 in)
Weights: take-off ('clean') 14.515 kg (32,000 lb); Max Take-Off Weight 36.741 kg (81,000 lb)
Performance: max level speed at high altitude ('clean') more than 2.655 km/h (1,650 mph); max rate of climb at sea level +15.240m (50,000 ft)/min; max range 4.455 km (2,762 miles)
Armament: one 20mm M61A1 Vulcan six-barrel cannon with 512 rounds; 11.000 kg (24,250 lb) of ordnance , including nuclear weapons, ASMs, AAMs, anti-radar missiles, anti-ship missiles, free-fall or guided bombs, cluster bombs, dispenser weapons, rocket launchers, napalm tanks, ECM pods, and three auxiliary fuel tanks, carried on up to 18 external hardpoints.