Specifications Tornado
Tornado IDS ( PA-200 / GR.1 )
Powerplant: two Turbo-Union RB.199-34R Mk.101 turbofans
each rated at 37.70kN (8,475lbst) dry
and 66.01kN (14,840lbst) with afterburning ;
Later aircraft:
two Turbo-Union RB.199-34R Mk.103 turbofans
each rated at 38.48kN (8,650lbst) dry
and 71.50kN (16,075lbst) with afterburning
Dimensions: length 16.72m (54ft 10.25in);
height 5.95m (19ft 6.25in) ; wingspan at minimum sweep (25°) 13.91m (45ft 7.5in) ;
wingspan at maximum sweep (67°) 8.60m (28ft 2.5in)
Weights: take-off ('empty') 14091kg (31,065lb); Max Take-Off Weight 27961kg (61,620lb)
Performance: max level speed 'clean' at 11000m (36,090ft) more than Mach 2.2:
or 2337km/h (1453mph) ;
service ceiling more than 50,000ft (15420m)
Armament: two internal Mauser BK.27 27mm cannons with 180 rounds each, AIM-9 air-to-air
missiles, air-to-surface missiles, air-to-ground missiles, anti ship, anti radiation missiles, dispenser weapons, freefall bombs,
guided bombs, cluster bombs, jammers, drop tanks, buddy refuelling pod, carried on up to
nine external hardpoints.