MILAVIA > Quiz > Archive 2009 Last updated: 25 January 2025
MILAVIA Monthly Quiz - Archive 2009

Quiz Archive - Results 2009

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December 2009 Quiz picture

Answer: Grumman E-2C Hawkeye
(Japanese Air Self Defense Force)
- click here for the full size picture
Prize Winner: sorry, no prize this month
Winners: Emmanuel Capart (Belgium)
Rucchin Gabriele (Italy)
Eric Kubelka (Canada)
Colin Hartnett (Canada)
Mariusz Gluszek (Poland)
Achraf Hilal (Morocco)
Ron Smith (United Kingdom)
Jean Pierre Schell (France)
Colin Grant (United Kingdom)
Josef Huber (Austria)
Arjo Stok (Netherlands)
Piotr Dudek (Poland)
Joshua Coley (USA)
Rafael Tunes (Brazil)
Arda Mevlutoglu (Turkey)
Alberto Giannella (Italy)
Tom Wittevrongel (Belgium)
Phillip Woodhouse (Canada)
Matěj Nesvadba (Czech Republic)
Martin Wendl (Germany)
Werner van der Wiel (Netherlands)
Boris Florian Jaeger (Switzerland)
Menno Boer (Netherlands)
Ramzi Dayya (Lebanon)
Bas Geerts (Netherlands)
Qi Tuomiao (China)
Johnson Barros (Brazil)
Martin Rojido (Argentina)
Don Norton (USA)
Carlos Benner Pino (Chile)
Mehmet "JSF" (Turkey)
Antonio Segovia R (Chile)
Patrick Deshay (Switzerland)

Jordan Li (USA)
Yehuda Oren (Israel)
Johan van Meerloo (Netherlands)
Kholiq Aliq Ali Bshah (Malaysia)
Woodson Sellers (USA)
G. Rugaard (Denmark)
Vaughan Drew (South Africa)
Douglas Hewstone (United Kingdom)
Jeff Bixby (USA)
Juan Carlos Gomez y Sarzotti (Argentina)
Dexter Greene (USA)
Carlo (Croatia)
Carlos Diaz (USA)
Joseph Caffarelli (USA)
Maynard (USA)
Damian Kopac (Argentina)
Giovanni Girardi (Italy)
Greg (France)
* not US Navy
Participants: 54 (33 correct answers, 18 partly correct)
This quiz was rated:

November 2009 Quiz picture

Answer: Aérospatiale/Westland SA-330E Puma HC.1
(Royal Air Force - United Kingdom)
- click here for the full size picture
Prize Winner: sorry, no prize this month
Winners: Alberto Giannella (Italy)
Boris Florian Jaeger (Switzerland)
Eric Kubelka (Canada)
Colin Grant (United Kingdom)
Ramzi Dayya (Lebanon)
Yehuda Oren (Israel)
Emmanuel Capart (Belgium)
Damian Kopac (Argentina)
Josef Huber (Austria)
Alan Cole (United Kingdom)
Patrick Deshay (Switzerland)
Rafael Tunes (Brazil)
Bas Geerts (Netherlands)
Achraf Hilal (Morocco)
Angel Tonelli Rodriguez (Venezuela)
Arjo Stok (Netherlands)
Jean Pierre Schell (France)
Colin Hartnett (Canada)
Tom Wittevrongel (Belgium)
Matěj Nesvadba (Czech Republic)
Joseph C. Caffarelli (USA)
Johan van Meerloo (Netherlands)
Mariusz Gluszek (Poland)
Piotr Dudek (Poland)
Joshua Coley (USA)
Mehmet "JSF" (Turkey)
Miroslav Peržeľ (Slovakia)
Carlos Benner Pino (Chile)
Jin-Khoon Kam (Malaysia)
Des Brennan (United Kingdom)
Ron Smith (United Kingdom)
G. Rugaard (Denmark)
Stephan Felgeirolles (Belgium)
Dave Phelan (Ireland)

Abdellah Bouchafnj (Morocco)
Carlo (Croatia)
Artur Maciel (Brazil)
* not completely correct
Participants: 38 (34 correct answers, 3 partly correct)
Rating: This quiz was rated:
too easy

October 2009 Quiz picture

Answer: Soko J-1 (J-21) Jastreb
(Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Air Force - retired)
- click here for the full size picture
Prize Winner: sorry, no prize this month
Winners: Marvin Imhof (Netherlands)
Matěj Nesvadba (Czech Republic)
Boris Florian Jaeger (Switzerland)
Yehuda Oren (Israel)
Jean Pierre Schell (France)
Patrick Deshay (Switzerland)
G. Rugaard (Denmark)
Abdellah Bouchafnj (Morocco)
Joshua Coley (USA)
Jin Khoon Kam (Malaysia)
Bkismailzai (Pakistan)
Piotr Dudek (Poland)
Su E (China)
Eric Kubelka (Canada)
Perig (France)

Hilal Achraf (Morocco)
Colin Grant (United Kingdom)
Josef Huber (Austria)*
Arda Mevlutoglu (Turkey)*
* not Republika Sprska, but close enough
** not G-2 Galeb, but you were close
Participants: 24 (15 correct answers, 4 partly correct)
Rating: This quiz was rated:

September 2009 Quiz picture

Answer: AirTech/CASA CN-235M-100 (Ejército del Aire - Spanish Air Force)
- click here for the full size picture
Prize Winner: sorry, no prize this month
Winners: Rafael Tunes (Brazil)
Alberto Giannella (Italy)
Josef Huber (Austria)
Yehuda Oren (Israel)
Boris Florian Jaeger (Switzerland)
Bas Geerts (Netherlands)
Antonio Segovia (Chile)
Hilal Achraf (Morocco)
Joshua Coley (USA)
Gary Thompson (Canada)
G. Rugaard (Denmark)
Colin Grant (United Kingdom)
Stephan Felgeirolles (Belgium)
Marvin Imhof (Netherlands)
Jean Pierre Schell (France)
Arda Mevlutoglu (Turkey)
Perig (France)
Eric Kubelka (Canada)

* Well done, people! *
Participants: 25 (18 correct answers)
Rating: This quiz was rated:
too difficult

July 2009 Quiz picture

Answer: Panavia Tornado GR.4
(Royal Air Force)
- click here for the full size picture
- click here for the aircraft page
Prize Winner: sorry, no prize this month
Winners: Rucchin Gabriele (Italy)
Boris Florian Jaeger (Switzerland)
Patrick Deshay (Switzerland)
Bas Geerts (Netherlands)
Joshua Coley (USA)
Hilal Achraf (Morocco)
Josef Huber (Austria)
Arda Mevlutoglu (Turkey)
Jean Pierre Schell (France)
Ron Smith (United Kingdom)
Bayram Demiröz (Turkey)
Rafael Tunes (Brazil)
Zamani (Malaysia)
Mariusz Gluszek (Poland)
Yehuda Oren (Israel)
Tom Wittevrongel (Belgium)
Luis Pérez García (Mexico)
Angel Tonelli (Venezuela)
Traver Fordham (USA)
Perig (France)
Giannella Alberto (Italy)
APG68 (Greece)
Muhammet Ali Ozagan (Turkey)
Marvin Imhof (Netherlands)
Eric Kubelka (Canada)
Luka (New Zealand)
Carlos Escalante (Guatemale)
Matěj Nesvadba (Czech Republic)
Johan van Meerloo (Netherlands)
Douglas Fortune (United Kingdom)
Antonio Segovia (Chile)
Phillip Woodhouse (Canada)
Woodson Sellers (USA)
G. Rugaard (Denmark)
Chris Milne (United Kingdom)
Jin-Khoon Kam (Malaysia)
Robert Arts (Netherlands)
Christos Tzovaras (Greece)
Colin Hartnett (USA)
Des Brennan (United Kingdom)
Elgabro (Italy)
Steve Ball (United Kingdom)
Martin Rojido (Argentina)
Peter Kallenbach (Canada)
Michael Klein (USA)
Antti Luuri (Finland)
Johnson Barros (Brazil)
Miguel Mercado Marriaga (Colombia)

Matteo Raimondo (Italy)
Vitor Cantarella (Brazil)
Juan Carlos Gómez y Sarzotti (Argentina)
Ralph (Switzerland)
Geeroms Rudi (Belgium)
* = incomplete or not completely correct answers
Participants: 57 (48 correct answers, 5 partly correct)
Rating: This quiz was rated:

June 2009 Quiz picture

Answer: Boeing B-52H Stratofortress
(U.S. Air Force)
- click here for the full size picture
- click here for the aircraft page
Prize Winner: sorry, no prize this month
Winners: Marvin Imhof (Netherlands)
Qituomiao (China)
Achraf Hilal (Morocco)
G. Rugaard (Denmark)
Bas Geerts (Netherlands)
Yehuda Oren (Israel)
Johnson Barros (Brazil)
Ray Robb (USA)
Ramzi Dayya (Lebanon)
Boris Florian Jaeger (Switzerland)
Su E (China)
Arda Mevlutoglu (Turkey)
Patrick Deshay (Switzerland)
Jean Pierre Schell (France)
Eric Kubelka (Canada)
Jeremiah Ashley (USA)
Colin Hartnett (USA)
Luis Pérez García (Mexico)
Douglas Fortune (United Kingdom)
Vojtěch Kudela (Czech Republic)
Rafael Tunes Fonseca (Brazil)
Alberto Giannella (Italy)
Joseph C. Caffarelli (USA)
B.W. McFadden (USA)
Mariusz Gluszek (Poland)
Mehmet "JSF" (Turkey)
Woodson Sellers (USA)
Marcus Wong (USA)
Cawdemo (Malaysia)
Salah AL-Farhoud (Kuwait)
Arthur Karas (South Africa)
Norman Wheelock (USA)
Conrad Turowski (Venezuela)
Kent Gonzales (USA)
Máté Kisantal (Hungary)
Robert Arts (Netherlands)
Chuck (USA)
Perig (France)

Ron Marasco (USA)
Larry Hurst (USA)
Fabrice Depierre (France)
Johan van Meerloo (Netherlands)
* = incomplete or not completely correct answers
Participants: 48 (38 correct answers, 4 partly correct)
Rating: This quiz was rated:

May 2009 Quiz picture

Answer: Mil Mi-171Sh Baikal (NATO 'Hip-H')
(Czech Air Force)
- click here for the full size picture
Prize Winner: sorry, no prize this month
Winners: Matěj Nesvadba (Czech Republic)
Oren Yehuda (Israel)
Mariusz Gluszek (Poland)
Jean Pierre Schell (France)
Boris Florian Jaeger (Switzerland)
Achraf Hilal (Morocco)
Nabil Borki (Morocco)
Miroslav Peržeľ (Czech Republic)
G. Rugaard (Denmark)
Eric Kubelka (Canada)
T. I. Roderick (USA)
Martin Pospisil (Czech Republic)
Joseph C. Caffarelli (USA)
Rafael Tunes Fonseca (Brazil)
Bayram Demiröz (Turkey)
Arda Mevlutoglu (Turkey)
Su E (China)
Damian Kopac (Argentina)
Johnson Barros (Brazil)
Patrick Deshay (Switzerland)
Zaku (Poland)
Joshua Coley (USA)
Johan van Meerloo (Netherlands)
Rene van de Ven (Netherlands)
Conrad Turowski (Venezuela)
Alberto Giannella (Italy)
Bas Geerts (Netherlands)
Alen Mrakovic (Serbia)
Marvin Imhof (Netherlands)
Ramzi Dayya (Lebanon)
Dirk Jan de Ridder (Netherlands)
Perig (France)
Des Brennan (United Kingdom)

Ron Smith (United Kingdom)
Nico Salaets (Belgium)
Woodson Sellers (USA)
DFN (France)
Frank J. Turcios (USA)
Carlo (Croatia)
Marcus Wong (USA)
Josef Huber (Austria)
Danny (Philippines)
* = incomplete or not completely correct answers
Participants: 42 (33 correct answers, 9 partly correct)
Rating: This quiz was rated:
too difficult

April 2009 Quiz picture

Answer: Dassault Rafale B
(Armée de l'Air - French Air Force)
- click here for the full size picture
- click here for the aircraft page
Prize Winner: sorry, no prize this month
Winners: Oren Yehuda (Israel)
Arda Mevlutoglu (Turkey)
Hilal Achraf (Morocco)
Ayson J Pynadath (India)
Andrew Sohn (South Korea)
Peter Kallenbach (Canada)
Rafael Tunes (Brazil)
G. Rugaard (Denmark)
Boris Florian Jaeger (Switzerland)
Jordan Junqueira Souza (Brazil)
Su E (China)
Tom Wittevrongel (Belgium)
APG68 (Greece)
Joseph C. Caffarelli (USA)
Eric Kubelka (Canada)
Nik M Ridzuan (Malaysia)
Jean Pierre Schell (France)
Nabil Borki (Morocco)
Patrik Sebek (Sweden)
Mariusz Gluszek (Poland)
Bayram Demiröz (Turkey)
Gabriele (Italy)
Alberto Giannella (Italy)
David Fagnou (France)Bas Geerts (Netherlands)
Douglas Hewstone (United Kingdom)
Patrick Deshay (Switzerland)
Marvin Imhof (Netherlands)
Miroslav Peržeľ (Slovakia)
Frank Turcios (USA)
Luis Pérez García (Mexico)
Pierre Lapeyrie (France)
Traver Fordham (USA)
Woodson Sellers (USA)
Juan Carlos Calle Rúa (Colombia)
Nader Mishriky (Egypt)
Josh Meader (USA)

* Because it was impossible to distinguish the variant (B, C, or M) and operator (Aeronavale or AdlA), all Rafale / France answers were correct.
Participants: 41 (36 correct answers)
Rating: This quiz was rated:
too difficult

March 2009 Quiz picture

Answer: Fokker 50 (F27 Mark 0502)
(Koninklijke Luchtmacht - Royal Netherlands Air Force)
- click here for the full size picture
Prize Winner: sorry, no prize this month
Winners: Conrad Turowski (Venezuela)
Bas Geerts (Netherlands)
Hilal Achraf (Morocco)
Boris Florian Jaeger (Switzerland)
Yehuda Oren (Israel)
Damian Kopac (Argentina)
Rafael Tunes (Brazil)
Arda Mevlutoglu (Turkey)
G. Rugaard (Denmark)
Rene van de Ven (Netherlands)
Werner van der Wiel (Netherlands)
Christos Tzovaras (Greece)
Jean Pierre Schell (France)
Martin Rojido (Argentina)
Marvin Imhof (Netherlands)
Eric Kubelka (Canada)
Koen Leuvering (Netherlands)
Bayram Demiröz (Turkey)
Mariusz Gluszek (Poland)
Francesco Schiera (Italy)
Perig (France)
Mehmet Karakuzulu (Turkey)
Michel van Schaik (Netherlands)

Participants: 32 (23 correct answers)
Rating: This quiz was rated:

February 2009 Quiz picture

Answer: Morane-Saulnier MS-760A Paris (retired: Aéronavale - French Navy)
- click here for the full size picture
Prize Winner: sorry, no prize this month
Winners: Conrad Turowski (Venezuela)
Arda Mevlutoglu (Turkey)
Yehuda Oren (Israel)
Fernando Averill (Chile)
Hilal Achraf (Morocco)
Rafael Tunes (Brazil)
Nabil Borki (Morocco)
Jean Pierre Schell (France)
Christos Tzovaras (Greece)
Des Brennan (United Kingdom)
Su E (China)
Fabrice Depierre (France)
Patrick Deshay (Switzerland)
Rucchin Gabriele (Italy)
Frank J. Turcios (USA)
Eric Kubelka (Canada)
Juan Carlos Gomez y Sarzotti (Argentina)
Ramzi Dayya (Lebanon)
G. Rugaard (Denmark)
Phillip Woodhouse (Canada)
Boris Florian Jaeger (Switzerland)
Rob Hendriks (Netherlands)
Marvin Imhof (Netherlands)
Woodson Sellers (USA)
Angel Tonelli Rodriguez (Venezuela)
Carlos Escalante (Gautemala)
Daniel Mohr (Germany)
Perig (France)
Bas Geerts (Netherlands)
Alessio Rabino (Italy)
Luis Pérez García (Mexico)
Mariusz Gluszek (Poland)
Werner van der Wiel (Netherlands)
Toni Huy (Switzerland)
Brandon Buckspan (USA)
Matt Kirwin (USA)
Jeffrey Low (Singapore)
Martin Rojido (Argentina)
Damian Kopac (Argentina)
Guitro Sellacomme (Uruguay)
Alberto (Italy)
Antonio Segovia Rentería (Chile)
Hoffmann (France)
Alen Mrakovic (Serbia)
Lionel (France)

Participants: 47 (45 correct answers)
Rating: This quiz was rated:
too easy

January 2009 Quiz picture

Answer: Boeing C-17A Globemaster III
- click here for the full size picture
Prize Winner: sorry, no prize this month
Winners: Achraf Hilal (Morocco)
Bas Geerts (Netherlands)
Damian (Argentina)
Michael Hill (United Kingdom)
Vojtěch Kudela (Czech Republic)
Ron Smith (United Kingdom)
Jean Pierre Schell (France)
Su E (China)
G Rugaard (Denmark)
Nik M Ridzuan (Malaysia)
Qituomiao (China)
Rafael Tunes (Brazil)
Eric Kubelka (Canada)
Marvin Imhof (Netherlands)
Brandon Buckspan (USA)
Perig (France)
Luis Pérez García (Mexico)
Boris Florian Jaeger (Switzerland)
Conrad Turowski (Venezuela)
Mitchell van den Berg (Netherlands)
Arda Mevlutoglu (Turkey)
Daniel Mohr (Germany)
Mariusz Gluszek (Poland)

Participants: 33 (23 correct answers)
Rating: This quiz was rated:

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