MILAVIA > Quiz > Archive 2005 Last updated: 25 January 2025
MILAVIA Monthly Quiz - Archive 2005

Quiz Archive - Results 2005

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December 2005 Quiz picture

Answer: Saab 105 Ö (a.k.a. 105OE)
(Austrian Air Force - Österreichische Luftstreitkräfte)
- click here for the full size picture
Prize Winner: Brandon Buckspan (USA)
Other Correct Answers: Jean Pierre Schell (France)
Michal Kovac (Slovakia)
Juan Carlos Gómez (Argentina)
Nabil Borki (Morocco)
Petr Palata (Czech Republic)
Mariusz Gluszek (Poland)
D. Fasoulakis (Greece)
Koen Leuvering (Netherlands)
Anthony Graulus (Belgium)
Ed Grantham (United Kingdom)
Peter Kallenbach (Canada)
Paul Ryan (United Kingdom)
Tom Wasylow (Canada)
Bill Walker (Canada)
Frank van de Waardenburg (Netherlands)
Perig (France)
Jeroen Wilting (Netherlands)
Jørn Richardt (Denmark)
Raoul Jeremy (France)
Conrad Turowski (Venezuela)
Ron Smith (United Kingdom)
Arda Mevlutoglu (Turkey)
Menno Boer (Netherlands)
Pawel Wymyslowski (Poland)
Simon Blaise (Chile)
Hiroomi Wada (Japan)
Andrew Sohn (South Korea)*
Laurent Daverio (France)
Noacco Alessandro (Italy)*
Noel Whatley (Canada)*
Adam M. (USA)
'name withheld' (USA)
Kevin Curtis (Australia)
Nader Mishriky (Egypt)*
Nils Steyaert (Belgium)
Stephan Felgeirolles (Belgium)
Vedran Marsanic (Croatia)*
Daniel Seabrook (United Kingdom)
Hans van der Vlist (Netherlands)
Don Norton (USA)
Mohamed Maataoui (Morocco)
Gabriel Gonzalez Florin (Chile)
Leif Hildingsson (Sweden)
Des Brennan (Scotland)
Jorge Manuel Antão Ruivo (Portugal)
* = incomplete or not completely correct answer
Participants: 54 (46 'correct' answers)
This quiz was: intermediate

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November 2005 Quiz picture

Answer: Fokker F-27-400M Troopship (Finnish Air Force - Ilmavoimat)
- click here for the full size picture
Prize Winner: Nabil Borki (Morocco)
Other Winners: Petr Palata (Czech Republic)
Jean Pierre Schell (France)
Jos Fiering (Netherlands)
Simon Adrien (France)
Shuwi (France)
Daniel Seabrook (United Kingdom)
Doug Shepherd (United Kingdom)
Mariusz Gluszek (Poland)
Ramon van Opdorp (Netherlands)
Jorge Manuel Antão Ruivo (Portugal)
Ghijsen Stéphane (Belgium)
Michal Kovac (Slovakia)
Uffe Schneider (Denmark)
Adam M. (USA)
Marco Boersma (Netherlands)
Bobby (UAE)
Arda Mevlutoglu (Turkey)
Pawe Wymysowski (Poland)
Simon Eduardo Blaise Olivera (Chile)
D. Fasoulakis (Greece)
Perig (France)
Steve Cambers (United Kingdom)
John B. (USA)
Peter Kallenbach (Canada)
Cedric Meinen (Switzerland)
Menno Boer (Netherlands) *
Brandon Buckspan (USA) *
Koen Leuvering (Netherlands)*
Johan van Meerloo (Netherlands)*
RecceJet (Australia) *
Nils Steyaert (Belgium) *
Anthony Graulus (Belgium) *
Ivan Peña Nesbit (Venezuela) *
Devadas Krishnadas (Singapore)*
Elias Bühler (Switzerland)*
Juan Gómez (Argentina)*
Laurent Daverio (France)*
Frauke S. (USA)*
Ryan Healy (USA)*
Robert Teuma (Malta)**
Yasar Oguz (Turkey)*
Oliver Newman (South Korea)*
Nader Mishriky (Egypt)*
Roeland Heijne (Netherlands)*
Igor Canak (Croatia)*
Ron Smith (United Kingdom)*
Muhammad Salman Baig (Pakistan)*
Don Norton (USA)*
Roger Castela (France)*
GonzaloTejeda (Argentina)*
Donald Wray (USA)*
Ray Robb (USA)*
Jasper Scheffers (Netherlands) *
* = incomplete or not completely correct answer
Participants: 66 (54 'correct' answers)
Rating This quiz was: too easy

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October 2005 Quiz picture

Answer: Boeing KC-135R Stratotanker (U.S. Air Force)
- click here for the full size picture
Prize Winner: Stéphane Ghijsen (Belgium)
Other Winners: Josh Meader (USA)
Nils Steyaert (Belgium)
Frauke S. (USA)
Adam M. (USA)
Laurent Daverio (France)
Alberto Piovesan (Italy)
* = incomplete or not completely correct answer
Participants: 20 (7 correct answers)
Rating This quiz was: too difficult

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September 2005 Quiz picture

Answer: Westland Lynx HAS.3 (Royal Navy)
- click here for the full size picture
Prize Winner: Petr Palata (Czech Republic)
Other Winners: K. Hansen (Denmark) *
Bobby (UAE)
Juan Carlos (Argentina)
Michal Kovac (Slovakia)
Josh Meader (USA)*
Peter Kallenbach (Canada)*
Ivan Peña Nesbit (Venezuela)*
Arda Mevlutoglu (Turkey)*
Nabil Borki (Morocco)*
Petr Palata (Czech Republic)
Loic Guellec (France)
Bühler Elias (Switzerland)*
Jean Pierre Schell (France)*
Anthony Graulus (Belgium)*
Doug (United Kingdom)
Roeland Heijne (Netherlands)*
Donald Wray (USA)*
Perig (France)*
RecceJet (Australia)*
Mariusz Gluszek (Poland)*
Mark Abbotts (United Kingdom)*
Schell Mathieu (France)*
Johan van Meerloo (Netherlands)*
Pablo Española III (Philippines)*
Ercan Aydogan (Belgium)*
Jorge Manuel Antão Ruivo (Portugal)*
Adam (USA)*
Frauke (USA)*
'name withheld' (France)*
* = incomplete or not completely correct answer
Participants: 38 (30 correct answers)
Rating This quiz was: too difficult

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August 2005 Quiz picture

Answer: IAR-330 SOCAT (Romanian Air Force)
- click here for the full size picture
Prize Winner: Jean Pierre Schell (France)
Other Winners: Correct answers:

Arda Mevlutoglu (Turkey)
Michal Kovac (Slovakia)
Marian Resko (Slovakia)
Brandon Buckspan (USA)
Loic Guellec (France)
Jorge Manuel Antão Ruivo (Portugal)
Adam (USA)
Daniel Seabrook (United Kingdom)
Bühler Elias (Switzerland)
Anthony Graulus (Belgium) *
Ghijsen (Belgium)
Koen Leuvering (Netherlands)
Devadas Krishnadas (Singapore)
Mariusz Gluszek (Poland)
Nabil Borki (Morocco)
Pim Hesse (Netherlands)
RecceJet (Australia)
Jan (Czech Republic)
Dragos (Australia)
Philippe Luce (France)
Petr Palata (Czech Republic)
Bobby (UAE) *
People who identified it as a Puma, but answered incorrectly for the other part:

Uffe Schneider (Denmark)
Juan Carlos Gomez (Argentina)
Oscar Rivero (Venezuela)
Nick Fazey (United Kingdom)
Osvaldo Mazza (Italy)
Frauke (USA)
Marco (Italy)
Ron Smith (United Kingdom)
Roberto Vallega (Italy)
Perig (France)
Keld Hansen (Denmark)
Timothy Prather (USA)
Fahad Sartaj (Pakistan)
Robert Huggins (USA)
Dave Rhue (USA)
Gian Paolo D´Astolfi (Venezuela)
John P. Stewart (USA)
Daniel Ferier (United Kingdom)
'name withheld' (Malaysia)
Tazio Scardina (Italy)
* = incomplete or not completely correct answers
Participants: 51 (24 correct answers, 20 somewhat correct)
Rating This quiz was: too easy

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July 2005 Quiz picture

Answer: Sukhoi Su-22M4 'Fitter' (Polish Air Force)
- click here for the full size picture
Prize Winner: Des Brennan (Scotland)
Other Winners: Brandon Buckspan (USA)
Marco Boersma (Netherlands)
Perig (France)
Michal Kovac (Slovakia)
Koen Leuvering (Netherlands)
Mariusz Gluszek (Poland)
Andrew Sohn (South Korea) *
Daniel Seabrook (United Kingdom)
Oliver Laczi (Romania) *
Arda Mevlutoglu (Turkey)
RecceJet (Australia)
Adam (USA) *
Frauke (USA) *
Hilal Achraf (Morocco) *
Marcel van Elst (Netherlands)
K. Hansen (Denmark)
Bühler Elias (Switzerland)
Ivan Peña Nesbit (Venezuela) *
Jorge Manuel Antão Ruivo (Portugal)
* = incomplete or not completely correct answers
Participants: 35 (21 correct answers)
Rating This quiz was: intermediate

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June 2005 Quiz picture

Answer: Saab S 29C (Flygande) Tunnan Swedish Air Force (1954-1970)
(J 29 photo recce version)
- click here for the full size picture
Prize Winner: Szabó Győző (Hungary)
Other Winners: J-29 also counted as correct

RecceJet (Australia)
Szabó Győző (Hungary)
Jean Pierre Schell (France)
Doug (United Kingdom)
Kevin Knight (United Kingdom)
APG68 (Germany)
Arda Mevlutoglu (Turkey)
Adam (USA)
Nabil Borki (Morocco) *
'name withheld' (USA)
Ray Robb (USA)
Marco Boersma (Netherlands)
Uffe Schneider (Denmark) *
Patrik Sebek (Sweden)
Mariusz Gluszek (Poland)
Perig (France)
Ron Smith (United Kingdom) *

Emre Arslan (Turkey)
Jaromir Muller (Czech Republic)
Hawk75 (Croatia)
Koen Leuvering (Netherlands)
Brandon Buckspan (USA)
Des Brennan (Scotland)
Tim Holden (United Kingdom)
Juan Gómez (Argentina)
Andrew Sohn (South Korea)
Jorge Manuel Antão Ruivo (Portugal)
Henri Brinks (Netherlands)
Fabian Robledo (Venezuela) *
Paul Ryan (United Kingdom)
Johan van Meerloo (Netherlands)
Anatolij Cimarkin (Lithuania)
Jim Scott (United Kingdom) *
* = incomplete or not completely correct answers
Participants: 48 (34 correct answers)
Rating This quiz was: too difficult

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May 2005 Quiz picture

Answer: Sikorsky S-61A Sea King (Danish Air Force)
- click here for the full size picture
Prize Winner: Loic Guellec (France)
Other Winners: Menno Boer (Netherlands)
Michal Kovac (Slovakia)
Jean Pierre Schell (France)
Tom Dolders (Belgium)
Adam (USA) *
RecceJet (Australia) *
Arda Mevlutoglu (Turkey) *
Perig (France) *
Traver Fordham (USA) *
K. Hansen (Denmark) *
Jeremy Schwinck (USA) *
Emre Arslan (Turkey) *
Ian Ross (Canada) *
osman Emre Arslan (Turkey) *
Nabil Borki (Morocco) *
Marco Boersma (Netherlands) *
Ron Smith (United Kingdom) *
Anthony Graulus (Belgium) *
Kurt Plummer (USA) *
Daniel Seabrook (United Kingdom) *
Bobby (U.A.E) *
Saeed Nafees (U.A.E) *
Brandon Buckspan (USA) *
Iván Peña Nesbit (Venezuela) *
Alberto Gómez (Argentina)
Uffe Schneider (Denmark) *
Seyed Masoud Mohammadi (Iran) *
Hamada Maataoui (Morroco) *
Niels Roman (Netherlands) *
Koen Leuvering (Netherlands) *
Cem Ozten (Turkey) *
Anoop (India) *
Sheldon Rampersad (Trinidad & Tobago) *
Ray Robb (USA) *
Andrew Sohn (South Korea) *
Thiha (Myanmar) *
Jorge Manuel Antão Ruivo (Portugal) *
Mariusz Gluszek (Poland)
* = incomplete or not completely correct answers
Participants: 55 (40 correct answers)
Rating This quiz was: intermediate

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April 2005 Quiz picture

Answer: Boeing YC-14 Advanced Medium STOL Transport (AMST) prototype, operated by U.S. Air Force for trials only
- click here for the full size picture
Prize Winner: Ray Robb (USA)
Winners: Arda Mevlutoglu (Turkey)
Marco Boersma (Netherlands)
Jean Pierre Schell (France)
Christian Louis (Belgium)
Koen Leuvering (Netherlands)
Arthur Hubers (Netherlands)
Des Brennan (United Kingdom)
Peter Kallenbach (Canada)
Capart Emmanuel (Belgium)
Perig (France)
Doug Shepherd (United Kingdom)
Gregory Bouvet (France)
Adi (Israel)
RecceJet (Australia)
Ray Robb (USA)
Michel Koster (Netherlands)
Ron Smith (United Kingdom)
Iván Peña Nesbit (Venezuela)
Elias Bühler (Switzerland)
Mikk Maasikrand (Estonia)
Nader Mishriky (Egypt)
Ken De Troch (Belgium)
Ercan Aydogan (Belgium)
Bart Gijbels (Belgium)
Geert Put (Belgium)
Michel Bokken (Belgium)
Daniel Seabrook (United Kingdom)
Steve Evans (United Kingdom)
Andrew Sohn (South Korea)
Owe Björnelund (Sweden)
Mike (USA)
David Marnin (Israel)
Scott (Canada)
Andrzej Manoryk (Poland)
John065 (Italy)
Mariano Mamertino (Italy)
Menno Boer (Netherlands)
Carlo (Croatia) *
Adam (USA)
Emre Arslan (Turkey)
Anthony (Belgium) *
Josh Meader (USA)
Dave (USA)
Marianeschi Matteo (Italy)
Doug Gillett (USA)
Chris Stuart (USA) *
Stefano Marianeschi (Italy)
Mariusz Gluszek (Poland)
Roger Castela (France/Portugal)
Joshua Coley (USA)
Jorge Manuel Antão Ruivo (Portugal)
* = incomplete or not completely correct answers
Participants: 65 (51 correct answers)
Rating This quiz was: intermediate

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March 2005 Quiz picture

Answer: Grumman F-14B Tomcat (U.S. Navy)
- click here for the full size picture
- click here for the F-14 section
Prize Winner: Peter Kallenbach (Canada)
Other Winners: Vitor Costa (Portugal)
Jean Pierre Schell (France)
Alessandro Noacco (Italy)
Roger Castela (France/Portugal)
Arda Mevlutoglu (Turkey)
Andrew Sohn (South Korea)
Szabó Győző (Hungary)
Andrzej Manoryk (Poland)
Michel Koster (Netherlands)
Adi (Israel)
Vedran Marsanic (Croatia)
Adam (USA)
Steve Evans (United Kingdom)
Daniel Seabrook (United Kingdom)
Ercan Aydogan (Belgium) *
Bart Gijbels (Belgium) *
Jos Vanderlinden (Belgium) *
Tim Mertens (Belgium) *
Patrick Dupont (Belgium) *
Ken De Troch (Belgium) *
Bjorn Melis (Belgium) *
Perig (France)
'name withheld' (France)
Doug Shepherd (United Kingdom)
Devadas Krishnadas (Singapore)
Traver Fordham (USA)
Loic Guellec (France)
Patrick (USA)
Marco Boersma (Netherlands)
Jeremy Schwinck (USA)
Steven Brown (Australia)
Koen Leuvering (Netherlands)
Gregory Bouvet (France)
'name withheld' (USA)
Nabil Borki (Morocco)
Benny (Belgium) *
Igor Canak (Croatia)
Robert Moya (USA) *
RecceJet (Australia)
Peter Kallenbach (Canada)
Chris Warrick (USA)
Zachary Bainter (USA)
Sertac Bayar (Turkey) *
Trident (Germany)
Jorge Manuel Antão Ruivo (Portugal)
Luke McClintock (USA)
Jonathan Lewzey (United Kingdom)
K. Hansen (Denmark)
Iván Peña Nesbit (Venezuela)
Ray Robb (USA)
Emre (Turkey) *
'name withheld' (USA)
APG68 (Germany)
Sheldon Rampersad (Trinidad & Tobago)
* = incomplete or not completely correct answers
Participants: 60 (54 correct answers)
Rating This quiz was: intermediate

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February 2005 Quiz picture

Answer: BAE T-45C Goshawk (U.S. Navy)
- click here for the full size picture
- (any T-45 guess has been counted as correct answer)
Prize Winner: Andrew Sohn (South Korea)
Other Winners: Nader Mishriky (Egypt)
Vedran Marsanic (Croatia)
Alessandro Noacco (Italy)
Roger Castela (France/Portugal)
Jean Pierre Schell (France)
Rob van Lijf (Netherlands)
RecceJet (Australia)
Nik Ridzuan (Malaysia)
Arda Mevlutoglu (Turkey)
Des Brennan (United Kingdom)
349 (F) SQN (Belgium)
Tim Mertens (Belgium)
Gregory Bouvet (France)
Devadas Krishnadas (Singapore)
Steven Brown (Australia)
David Marnin (Israel)
Marco Boersma (Netherlands)
APG68 (Germany)
Roeland Heijne (Netherlands)
'name withheld' (Bulgaria)
'name withheld' (USA)
Adam (USA)
John Lacey (USA)
Keld Hansen (Denmark)
Perig (France)
Adi (Israel)
'name withheld' (USA)
Anthony (Belgium)
Michel Koster (Netherlands)
Sheldon Rampersad (Trinidad & Tobago)
Szabó Győző (Hungary)
'name withheld' (USA)
Kamil Pankuch (Slovakia)
Loic Guellec (France)
Ron Smith (United Kingdom)
Steve Evans (United Kingdom)
Marcelo Alejandro Mussa (Argentina)
Weerapon (Thailand)
Armrtafa (Thailand)
Matt (Canada)
Capart Emmanuel (Belgium)
Andrew Sohn (South Korea)
Donald Wray (USA)
'name withheld' (Turkey)
Igor Canak (Croatia)
Alex Takacs (Romania)
Patrick (USA)
Andrzej Manoryk (Poland)
Stéphane Ghijsen (Belgium)
Alberto (Brazil)
Christophe Primo (Belgium)
Abhijit Bose (India)
Doug Shepherd (United Kingdom)
Ryan (USA)
Ian Ross (Canada)
Jorge Manuel Antão Ruivo (Portugal)
Menno Boer (Netherlands)
Participants: 74 (57 correct answers)
Rating: This quiz was: too easy

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January 2005 Quiz picture

Answer: Lockheed S-3B Viking (U.S. Navy)
- click here for the full size picture
- (ES-3 Shadow has also been counted as correct answer)
Prize Winner: Daniel Seabrook (United Kingdom)
Other Winners: Devadas Krishnadas (Singapore)
Jorge Manuel Antão Ruivo (Portugal)
Frauke (USA)
Adam (USA)
Chris (United Kingdom)
Marco Boersma (Netherlands)
349 (F) SQN (Belgium)
Arda Mevlutoglu (Turkey)
Jean Pierre Schell (France)
'name withheld' (United Kingdom)
Alessandro Noacco (Italy)
David Marnin (Israel)
Anthony (Belgium)
Matteo Marianeschi (Italy)
Marianeschi Stefano (Italy)
Guido Müller (Switzerland)
John Turner (USA)
Adi (Israel)
Marcel van Elst (Netherlands)
Nader Mishriky (Egypt)
Gielen Benny Shorad (Belgium)
Michel Koster (Netherlands)
Stephen Brown (Australia)
Wouter Vandenameele (Belgium)
Kursad Albayraktar (USA)
Perig (France)
RecceJet (Australia)
Vedran Marsanic (Croatia)
Ian Ross (Canada)
Gonzalo (Argentina)
Andrew Sohn (South Korea)
Ron Smith (United Kingdom)
'name withheld' (Germany)
Igor Canak (Croatia)
Sean Little (USA)
Marcelo Alejndro Mussa (Argentina)
Wojtek (Poland)
Carlo (Croatia)
Szabó Győző (Hungary)
Gregory Bouvet (France)
'name withheld' (Australia)
Daniel Seabrook (United Kingdom)
Keld Hansen (Denmark)
Efraim Otero (Colombia)
Joshua Meader (USA)
Josh Brown (Australia)
Andrzej (Poland)
Nabil Borki (Morocco)
Manuel Dominguez (Colombia)
Karayiannidis Panayiotis (Greece)
Sheldon Rampersad (Trinidad & Tobago)
Jeremy Schwinck (USA)
Gregory D. Pybon (USA)
Oscar Rivero (Venezuela)
Oliver Laczi (Romania)
Kevin Curtis (Australia)
Steve Evans (United Kingdom)
John Carr (United Kingdom)
'name withheld' (USA)
Dave Rhue (USA)
'name withheld' (USA)
Joe Kurle (Germany)
Dave (USA)
Fhad Siddiqui (Pakistan)
Participants: 72 (65 correct answers)
Rating: This quiz was: too easy

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