MILAVIA > Quiz > Archive 2012 Last updated: 25 January 2025
MILAVIA Monthly Quiz - Archive 2012

Quiz Archive - Results 2012

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October 2012 Quiz picture

Answer: SAAB AJS 37 Viggen (Swedish Air Force Historic Flight)
- click here for the full size picture
- click here for the aircraft page
Prize Winner: sorry, no prize this month
Winners: Yehuda Oren (Israel)
Leonardo Ferrero (Italy)
Janusz Duda (Poland)
Benyatto Abderrahman (Morocco)
Qi (China)
Alberto Giannella (Italy)
Carlo (Italy)
Jean Pierre Schell (France)
Stefano Simioni (Italy)
APG68 (Greece)
Eric Kubelka (Canada)
Nabil Borki (Morocco)
Younes Echerfaoui (Morocco)
Gunnar Rugaard (Denmark)
Achraf Hilal (Morocco)
Bas Geerts (Netherlands)
Rolf Freuler (Switzerland)
Mariusz Gluszek (Poland
Colin Grant (United Kingdom)
Jameson Buenavista (Philippines)
Kam J K (Malaysia)
Conrad Turowski (Venezuela)
Adam (USA)

Participants: 29 (23 correct answers)
This quiz was rated:

September 2012 Quiz picture

Answer: North American F-100F Super Sabre (private, USAF markings)
- click here for the full size picture
Prize Winner: sorry, no prize this month
Winners: Sérgio Lemos (Portugal)
Eric Kubelka (Canada)
Sébastien D. (Switzerland)
Alberto Giannella (Italy)
Yassine El Azri (Morocco)
Jeremy Meyers (USA)
Yehuda Oren (Israel)
Sheldon Rampersad (Trinidad and Tobago)
Janusz Duda (Poland)
Stephen Lawrence (France)
Jean Pierre Schell (France)
Bas Geerts (Netherlands)
Colin Grant (United Kingdom)
Jameson Buenavista (Philippines)
Carlo Sartori (Italy)
Des Brennan (United Kingdom)
Benyatto Abderrahman (Morocco)

Participants: 18 (17 correct answers)
Rating: This quiz was rated:

August 2012 Quiz picture

Answer: North American P-51A Mustang (formerly USAAF, now privately owned)
- click here for the full size picture
Prize Winner: sorry, no prize this month
Winners: Ramon van Opdorp
Colin Grant (United Kingdom)
Janusz Duda (Poland)
Steven Downs (USA)
Gunnar Rugaard (Denmark)
Jean Pierre Schell (France)
Yehuda Oren (Israel)
John William Belin (USA)
Eric Kubelka (Canada)*
* I'll count Mustang Mk I RAF, not quite the same but really hard to tell from the picture.
Participants: 13 (9 correct answers)
Rating: This quiz was rated:
too difficult

July 2012 Quiz picture

Answer: Kaman K-1200 K-MAX UAS (U.S. Marine Corps)
- click here for the full size picture
Prize Winner: sorry, no prize this month
Winners: Walter B Zirbes III (USA)
Yehuda Oren (Israel)
Jameson Buenavista (Philippines)
Maurizio Sparacino (Italy)
Alberto Giannella (Italy)
Sébastien D. (Switzerland)
Achraf Hilal (Morocco)
Boris Florian Jaeger (Switzerland)
Gunnar Rugaard (Denmark)
Conrad Turowski (Venezuela)
Jean Pierre Schell (France)
Janusz Duda (Poland)
Colin Grant (United Kingdom)
Stephen Lawrence (France)
Josef Huber (Austria)
Leonardo Ferrero (Italy)
Mariusz Gluszek (Poland)
Antonio Segovia Rentería (Chile)
Rolf Freuler (Switzerland)
Leonidas Koukos (Greece)
Des Brennan (United Kingdom)
Yassine El Azri (Morocco)
Eric Kubelka (Canada)
Weerapon (Thailand)
Colin Hartnett (Canada)

Angel Tonelli Rodriguez (Venezuela)
* not USAF
Participants: 29 (25 correct answers, 1 partly correct)
Rating: This quiz was rated:

June 2012 Quiz picture

Answer: McDonnell Douglas F-15D 'Baz' (Israeli Air Force)
- click here for the full size picture
- click here for the aircraft page
Prize Winner: sorry, no prize this month
Winners: Josh Meader (USA)
Stefano Simioni (Italy)
Alberto Giannella (Italy)
Achraf Hilal (Morocco)
Yassine El Azri (Morocco)
Yehuda Oren (Israel)
Tom Wittevrongel (Belgium)
Stephen Lawrence (France)
Sébastien (Switzerland)
Jean Pierre Schell (France)
Steffen Roegiers (Belgium)
Leonardo Ferrero (Italy)
Myaischev (Indonesia)
Joshua Coley (USA)
Eric Kubelka (Canada)
Donald Wray (USA)
Colin Grant (United Kingdom)
Calum Rankine (United Kingdom)
Janusz Duda (Poland)*
Jonathan Kerr (Canada)
Maurizio Sparacino (Italy)
Doug Hewstone (United Kingdom)
Sérgio Lemos (Portugal)
Jeremy Meyers (USA)
Angel Tonelli Rodriguez (Venezuela)
Mariusz Gluszek (Poland)
Gunnar Rugaard (Denmark)
Bas Geerts (Netherlands)
Wally Wurtzler (USA)
Jameson Buenavista (Philippines)
* The dome containing an Elta SATCOM distinguishes this 'improved Baz' from other countries' two-seat Eagles.
** While it's also seen on modified F-15I Ra'am, those Strike Eagles have the Israeli camouflage pattern.
Participants: 32 (18 correct answers, 12 partly correct)
Rating: This quiz was rated:

May 2012 Quiz picture

Answer: Westland Lynx HMA.8 (Royal Navy - United Kingdom)
- click here for the full size picture
Prize Winner: sorry, no prize this month
Winners: Michel Koster (Netherlands)
Maurizio Sparacino (Italy)
Benyatto Abderrahman (Morocco)
Yehuda Oren (Israel)
Alberto Giannella (Italy)
Jean Pierre Schell (France)
Colin Grant (United Kingdom)
Conrad Turowski (Venezuela)
Qi (China)
Jeremy Meyers (USA)
Johnson Barros (Brazil)
Gunnar Rugaard (Denmark)
Josef Huber (Austria)
Wijgert IJlst (Netherlands)
Sheldon Rampersad (Trinidad and Tobago)
Rolf Freuler (Switzerland)
Mariusz Gluszek (Poland)
Tom Wittevrongel (Belgium)
Martin McNamara (United Kingdom)
Leonidas Koukos (Greece)
BK Ismailzai (Pakistan)
Bas Geerts (Netherlands)
Piotr Dudek (Poland)
Stephen Lawrence (France)
Boris Florian Jaeger (Switzerland)
Jameson Buenavista (Philippines)
Cawedemo (Malaysia)
Eric Kubelka (Canada)
Hilal Achraf (Morocco)
Yassine El Azri (Morocco)

* everybody saw it is a Lynx of the Royal Navy, and most knew Lynx HMA.8 is the military designation for this Super Lynx variant with the FLIR turret.
Participants: 30 (30 correct answers)
Rating: This quiz was rated:

April 2012 Quiz picture

Answer: Embraer EMB-121AA Xingu (Armée de l'Air - French Air Force)
- click here for the full size picture
Prize Winner: sorry, no prize this month
Winners: Jean Pierre Schell (France)
Erwin Reijnders (Belgium)
Yehuda Oren (Israel)
Alberto Giannella (Italy)
Qi (China)
Conrad Turowski (Venezuela)
Tom Wittevrongel (Belgium)
Gunnar Rugaard (Denmark)
Stephen Lawrence (France)
Joshua Coley (USA)
Mariusz Gluszek (Poland)
Sheldon Rampersad (Trinidad and Tobago)
Sérgio Lemos (Portugal)
Massimo Farrugia (Malta)
Boris Florian Jaeger (Switzerland)
Colin Grant (United Kingdom)
Yassine El Azri (Morocco)
Wijgert IJlst (Netherlands)
Eric Kubelka (Canada)
Antonio Segovia Rentería (Chile)

Participants: 24 (20 correct answers)
Rating: This quiz was rated:

March 2012 Quiz picture

Answer: Shenyang F-7A (Albanian Air Force 1970-2004)
- click here for the full size picture
Prize Winner: sorry, no prize this month
Winners: Weerapon (Thailand)
Yehuda Oren (Israel)
Jean Pierre Schell (France)
Maurizio Sparacino (Italy)
Josef Huber (Austria)
Johnson Barros (Brazil)
Qi (China)
Yassine El Azri (Morocco)
Mariusz Gluszek (Poland)
Benyatto Abderrahman (Morocco)
Michel Koster (Netherlands)
Gunnar Rugaard (Denmark)
Colin Grant (United Kingdom)
Leonardo Ferrero (Italy)
Dajun Xu (China)
Eric Kubelka (Canada)
Damian Kopac (Argentina)
Piotr Dudek (Poland)
Bas Geerts (Netherlands)**
Adler (Germany)**
Joseph C. Caffarelli (USA)
Alberto Giannella (Italy)
Conrad Turowski (Venezuela)
Rolf Freuler (Switzerland)
Anthony Wilkins (United Kingdom)
Angel Tonelli Rodriguez (Venezuela)
Miroslav Peržeľ (Slovakia)
Leonidas Koukos (Greece)
Gene Balinski (USA)
Rey (USA)
BK Ismailzai (Pakistan)
Kelly Wellington (USA)
Boris Florian Jaeger (Switzerland)
Sheldon Rampersad (Trinidad and Tobago)
Josh Meader (USA)
Wally Wurtzler (USA)
Stephen Lawrence (France)
Muhammad Salman (Pakistan)
Tilen (Slovenia)
Jiri (Belgium)
* Nose/canopy/pitot points to MiG-21F/MiG-21F-13 and early J-7 versions or F-7A. White c/s suggest Chinese example, but serial/code (not to mention the Rinas AB shelter in the background) distinguishes the operator Albania, thus the F-7A. Albania received the early Chinese version F-7A by Shenyang, but production had moved to Chengdu. Not to be confused with improved J-7/F-7 versions by Chengdu.

** For Chinese version, NATO 'FISHBED' still applies. 'MONGOL' is reporting name for the MiG-21U/JJ-7/FT-7 two-seaters, does not apply here. Chengdu later export models received names, but they do not apply here (Airguard, Skybolt, etc.).
Participants: 41 (20 correct answers, 20 partly correct)
Rating: This quiz was rated:
too easy

February 2012 Quiz picture

Answer: Lockheed PV-2 Harpoon (restored to U.S. Navy 1945)
- click here for the full size picture
Prize Winner: sorry, no prize this month
Winners: Conrad Turowski (Venezuela)
Jean Pierre Schell (France)
Boris Florian Jaeger (Switzerland)
Stephen Lawrence (France)
Colin Grant (United Kingdom)
Antonio Segovia Rentería (Chile)
Piotr Dudek (Poland)
Jim Goolsby (USA)
Jeremy Meyers (USA)
Joseph C. Caffarelli (USA)
Kelly Wellington (USA)
Tony Szymoniak (USA)
Joshua Coley (USA)
Des Brennan (United Kingdom)
Sheldon Rampersad (Trinidad and Tobago)
Damian Kopac (Argentina)
* PV-2 Harpoon is a later model of the PV-1 Ventura, so although not 100% correct, well done!
Participants: 32 (12 correct answers, 4 partly correct)
Rating: This quiz was rated:
too difficult

January 2012 Quiz picture

Answer: SEPECAT Jaguar GR.3A
(Royal Air Force - United Kingdom)
- click here for the full size picture
- click here for the aircraft page
Prize Winner: sorry, no prize this month
Winners: Johnson Barros (Brazil)
Yassine El Azri (Morocco)
Sérgio Lemos (Portugal)
Yehuda Oren (Israel)
Stefano Simioni (Italy)
Stephen Lawrence (France)
Maurizio Sparacino (Italy)
Alberto Giannella (Italy)
Jean Pierre Schell (France)
G. Rugaard (Denmark)
Alastair Barbour (United Kingdom)
Eric Kubelka (Canada)
Matěj Nesvadba (Czech Republic)
Jeremy Meyes (USA)
Colin Grant (United Kingdom)
Damian Kopac (Argentina)
Francisco José Jaime (Argentina)
APG68 (Greece)
Perig (France)
Jameson Buenavista (Philippines)
Sheldon Rampersad (Trinidad and Tobago)
Bas Geerts (Netherlands)
Tom Wittevrongel (Belgium)
Mariusz Gluszek (Poland)
Joshua Coley (USA)
Sébastien (Switzerland)
Qi (China)
Tomsilav Martan (Croatia)
Benyatto Abderrahman (Morocco)

* For those that didn't submit GR.3A :
Aircraft in the photo carries the Joint Reconnaissance Pod, which was added as part of the Jaguar 97 upgrade for RAF Jaguars, designated GR.3A.
Participants: 36 (29 correct answers)
Rating: This quiz was rated:

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