Specifications Eurofighter Typhoon
Powerplant: two 90 kN (20,250 lb st) Eurojet EJ200 afterburning turbofans
Dimensions: length 15.96m (52 ft 4 in); height 5.28m (17 ft 4 in);
wing span 10.95m (35 ft 11 in)
Weights: empty 10.995 kg (24,239 lb); Max Take-Off Weight 23000 kg (50,700 lb)
Performance: max level speed 'clean' at 11000 m (36,0069 ft) Mach 2.0 or 2125 km/h (1,321 mph);
service ceiling more than 15,240m (50,000 ft); g limits +9/-3; runway requirement of 700m (2,300ft);
Armament (options*): one internal Mauser Mk27 27mm cannon; up to 6500 kg (14,330lb) of ordnance including
AIM-120 AMRAAM and other beyond visual range AAMs (BVRAAM), short range AAMs, wide range of
air-to-surface weapons including laser guided bombs, advanced anti armour weapons,
conventionally armed stand-off missiles,
and up to three auxiliary fuel tanks carried on up to 13 external stations.
* subject to requirements/development, initial production versions had limited options until updates

Factory fresh EJ200

EF2000 weapon options